Page 55 of Reign of Wolves

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Chapter 15


The footsteps above our heads became louder.

“How far beneath the surface do you think we are?” I whispered to Kyle.

He grunted from his bed where he still lay. We didn’t know what time it was, but I had to assume the sun was up. After all, our fake window was blasting light into the room like it was the middle of the day.

“A few feet, maybe.” He didn’t sound convinced.

I glanced up at the ceiling. “I bet it’s further than that.”

A few feet we would be able to dig through easily enough. I would put it closer to twenty feet, which was a horrible thought.

“Actually, I’m glad I don’t know,” I said.

I lay back down and closed my eyes. My heart pounded at the sheer thought of how deep we were. So far beneath the earth’s surface. Away from fresh air, and sunshine, and... Monique.

Yesterday had been a truly horrible day. With us being kidnapped and trapped down here, then that bastard warlock taking my blood against my will, I’d never felt more powerless—or hopeless.

He’d come back for Kyle’s blood. My Beta had been sensible and given it to him without a fight.

I’d been angry at the time, but Kyle told me afterward that he was hoping to keep hold of whatever protection magic Monique had given us, in case we needed it for an escape.

There was a soft popping sound, then the high warlock appeared in the room. He smirked at us before he spoke. “Good morning, gentlemen.”

I sat bolt upright on the bed, unable to be calm around this asshole. “What do you want now?”

Surely not more blood already?

The high warlock’s eyes were a strange purple this morning, similar to Monique’s when her magic was activated.

He always seemed way overdressed for hanging out in his own house, but today, there was something different about him in the straightness of his posture. The pristine angle of his tie and jacket. The neatness of his hair.

“Where are you going all dressed up like that?” I said.

Tags: Amelia Shaw Paranormal