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I brace myself, grabbing onto his shoulders as we’re both fucking each other, and then I feel it.

He bites down on my shoulder and we both come.

My whole body shudders and my orgasm is so intense I fall onto him with a tear in the corner of my eye.

I feel him move his hand and a pop sound as he pulls his fingers out of my ass. I feel empty, but he jerks his wrist. It's then I realize he is wiping his fingers on his pants. He slowly rubs my back while we try to get our breathing under control.

I lift myself off him and perch myself on his knees as he kisses me again. Like I said, the man is swoon worthy with a kiss.

I move to get off him, so he can remove the condom and clean himself, when he stops me and gives me this look in his eyes. It’s the same look he gave me at the wedding.

“Sara Raine, will you marry me?”

He can’t be serious right now.

No way can the guy get this proposal thing wrong. Again.

He smiles at me, and I know he’s only joking.

“Relax,” he says. “I’m joking. I know one of your rules is I can’t propose to you in the middle of sex.”

“I guess I need to add after sex to that list.” I smile back at him.

We both know he’s going to propose, so there’s no surprise there, but the surprise is going to be in the how.

I’ve already given him a list of places that are no go’s. Namely, during sex, after sex (a new addition), and at some huge public place. I hate being the center of attention unless that attention is in a work environment where I need to be or in the bedroom where, well we share that attention.

He finally lifts me off him and lies me on the bed next to him.

I can hear him in the bathroom, and then I smile to myself. It’s not the shower I hear, but the bath filling up.

He walks back in the room completely naked and picks me up like I’m a child and carries me into the bathroom.

All around the bathroom are candles and next to the bath is the book we both read in Miami, with an envelope sticking out of the top like a bookmark.

Someone had this all planned out.

My heart starts to beat so much faster, and I start to feel myself pink all over.

I look at him, then at the book and card, and back at him again.

He picks it up and passes it to me.

Sara Raine, I’ve been in love with you my whole life. While I’ve messed up along the way, I don’t plan on making that mistake again.

You make me be a better man and I want us to take on the world together, like we’d always planned. You’re my everything.

Would you please do me the honor of marrying me?

I turnto look at him, and he has a ring box in his hand. I start to cry. “Yes. Oh, my god, yes.”

Relief passes through his body, and he pushes the ring on my finger.

Tags: Lisa M. Miller Romance