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“It’s going to come down,” he says in a worried voice. “Can’t you see?”

“Carry on talking,” I whisper in his ear, not planning on letting him out of this room. “You said they need the women for this experiment with the men. How?”

“I… I… don’t know,” he stutters. “I just know that they send us the details, we get them, and they take them to their compound for their experiment.”

“Where is the compound?” Tor asks, his eyes flashing in anger. We thought they were selling the women into the sex industry, but apparently, they are more sinister than that. They are using them as guinea pigs.

“I’m not sure, but the women are all going to Qatar.” The wall groans again, and I can feel a ripple of fear race through his body.

“How do they give you the intel on who to pick?” Garth asks.

“We meet a guy called Mertel. He gives us the details and we do our thing. When we have the woman they require, we phone Mertel and arrange a pick up.”

“Where can we find this Mertel person?” Tor asks as he places his hands low on his waist.

“I have told you enough. Take me out of here before this place comes crashing down.” His voice is laced with panic, just the way I want him to be.

“No. Answer the question,” Tor replies his tone is controlled, but there is a world of rage that is just waiting to be released. I know exactly how he feels. Having my arm around his neck and not squeezing is taking a lot of control, as my first instinct is to stop this motherfucker from breathing after everything he has done.

“I don’t… don’t know, I just have a number,” he screams in anger.

“Where is the number, asshole?” at Tor’s question he decides that he has answered enough questions and spits instead, which falls short of Tor, but earns him a punch to his side, the sound of his bones cracking, pleases me.

“We will find it. Your reign has come to an end.” With those words, Tor turns and leaves. I hear him walking away over Sean’s gasps of air. Garth also steps back and out of the entry way. They have both given me the privacy to do what I want with the maggot in my clutches. This son of a bitch thought he could play with women’s lives for money, but most of all, play with my woman’s life.

I was going to take my time in killing him, but even though he did hurt her and gave her hell, he might be right about the fact he did save her life. Letting go of his neck, I place my hands on his shoulders and turn him to face me, just as I lower my head and headbutt him hard.

The contact has him gasping in pain as his arm shoots up to his forehead. “You hurt Esmeralda, for that you will die.” Taking hold of the hand grasping his forehead, I pull the fingers back, hearing them break, which has him crying out in pain.

“Please, please” he gasps, but all I can think about is those words coming out of my woman’s mouth when he was hurting her, words that he never honoured. Drawing my arm back, I punch him hard in the gut, which has him falling onto the ground, gasping desperately for air.

“The world will be a better place without you in it,” I say as I step out into the main room, lower myself onto one knee, and I place my fingertips onto the ground. Watching at his body squirm with pain, I bend the earth to my will, and the walls come crumbling down around and on top of him. I hear his desperate gasps, and then I hear nothing. Sean is finally dead.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal