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It is clear that by his slow, confident movements, he is sure that he can take me down. Well, I have never been one to step away from a fight, and even though I’m looking forward to finding Sean and making him suffer, there is nothing stopping me from fighting this asshole and seeing how good he actually is. I know that the others will stop Sean from escaping, and no one will touch him because he is mine, so instead of trying to plough the fucker down I stop and incline my head, waiting for him to make his move.

“You made a mistake in coming here today,” he says calmly.

“Why would you say that?” I ask casually as he approaches.

“Because today is the day you die.”

“Is that right?” Now I’m looking forward to this fight more than I was before. He suddenly sprints towards me. His speed is impressive but not nearly as quick as me. I stand still, waiting for him to attack. I don’t have to wait long as the minute he steps close to me, he is throwing a punch. I duck, throwing one of my own to his midriff, which I’m surprised doesn’t even move him.

Well, this looks like it will be a real fight after all, and I can let loose. As I’m about to throw another more forceful punch, his knee juts up and he hits me on my chest, which has me lifting off the floor and falling a few feet away.

Grinning, I jump up, feeling the blood rushing through my veins in excitement. Finally, a good fight.

“Enjoyed that, did you?” he asks with a smirk. “Well, then you will love the rest.”

He steps towards me again, but this time I fall in a squat as I stretch out my leg, twirling around as I take his legs out from under him. He falls back, but before I can attack him, he is back up. Impressive, his speed and his reactions are quick. The fight begins in earnest. He throws a punch and I deflect, I throw a punch and he deflects.

Then suddenly, he jumps me, placing his hand on my chest, but instead of punching me back, the hand stays there, and I feel the extreme heat radiating from his skin. “What the fuck?” I roar as I jump back and look down to see his handprint seared into my T-shirt. My skin is red, but not blistered as I jumped back before he can do any real harm. How the fuck can he call on the element of fire?

Looking up, I see his smirk as he says, “Surprise.”

“So, that’s the way you want to play it, is it?” I ask, as I stretch my arms out next to me, opening my hands wide as I envision the ground opening under his feet pulling him in. A fissure starts to open up beneath him. As expected, he jumps to his right to the only other open space, but I’m there when his feet touch the ground. My hands grab his shoulders and I bring up my knee to his side.. Enough play time, he is mine.

I knee him three times before he manages to push me away, but then I punch him squarely on the face just as I trip him, which has him falling. I heard the sound of breaking bone when I punched him, so I know that he won’t be getting up, but he is still alive and unconscious. Looking down at him, I frown. We need to find out everything these assholes can do. I didn’t doubt that I would win because no matter how impressive his powers are, they are still no match for ours.

His bending of the fire element was a surprise, and that is something that they have never done before. “That took you long enough.” Looking behind me, I show Colborn the finger.

“Did you see what he did?” I ask.

“Yeah, another interesting turn. Wonder how the hell they managed that?” Colborn replies as he comes to stand over the unconscious man. “Seeing as they don’t just have enhanced senses, we are going to have to keep this asshole for a bit longer so that Bion can test him.” Bion, being the medic in Draco’s chapter, is one of our best healers, but he also looks into any anomalies that occur relating to us. This asshole will more than likely be transported there, or Bion and his mate will come here to test the asshole.

“Why don’t you go in? I’ll stay here until sleeping beauty here wakes up.” The noise inside has quietened except for Tor, who is roaring in anger. “I would rather keep away from Tor at the moment.” Something must have triggered his fury, and as Colborn says, ‘It’s always better to keep out of his way when he’s in a rage’. But there is no way that I’m going to stay away from killing Sean.

Making my way inside, I see the front door has been kicked open and is now hanging by one hinge. Next to the door is one of the Desperados, clearly dead. Heading towards where I can hear the others, I see broken furniture and dead bodies lying around. I enter the lounge to find Asgar and Eirik standing over the other enhanced guy, but this one seems to have had a fight with the wall as his face is unrecognizable.

Looking at Eirik, I raise my brow in question. “Tor came out and didn’t like his answers,” he replies with a shrug.

“I don’t think he will be giving us anymore answers,” I state, looking at the man’s failing condition.

“He will survive, I will make sure of it,” Asgar says as he squats down next to him. Turning, I head towards where I hear Garth calmly talking to who I’m guessing is Tor.

“I’m going to bring this fucking place down around you,” Tor is threatening as I walk into the bedroom to find Tor looking at a closed panel on the wall, by the metal look of it I would say that it is the entrance to a panic room. “About fucking time. Where the hell have you been?”

I raise my brows.

“Fighting outside,” I reply, stiffening at his tone.

“Sean ran into this fucking panic room. I thought it appropriate that you bury him in there.” I don’t want to bury him; I want to feel his bones breaking under my touch.

“Well, well, look who it is,” a voice says through an intercom system.

I feel every fibre in my body rebelling in fury at the object of my woman’s nightmares.

“How are you enjoying my leftovers?” I know he is trying to bait me, but his words stab me straight in the heart as I think of the way this man must have treated my mate, just by the condescending tone of his voice.

“I’m cutting all power to the room,” Garth says as he steps closer to my back, placing a hand on my shoulder, squeezing. “Don’t let him bait you,” he murmurs before letting go.

“Can he hear me?” I ask, which has Garth nodding.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal