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DAG 18

I’m itching to charge into Sean’s house and kill the fucking bastard, but Tor has ordered us to hold back. Two bastards that are clearly Special Forces entered the house just as we approached, which has us thinking that more of the assholes that have been experimented on to have similar strengths as us are here.

From their previous encounter with the Natura Valley, it was evident at the time that they managed to increase the speed and the strength of the humans, but they were not able to enhance their powers to bend the elements like we do. Tor wants to make sure that this time we catch as many of these fuckers as we can so that we can question them.

At the time, Draco made sure that he destroyed all evidence of the project. All the humans that had been part of the experiment had been neutralized, and testing results destroyed. But it looks like Aldor has somehow managed to revive the project and build himself an army of mutated men. Sean is clearly one just one of the pawns in Aldor’s main puzzle, because he has men guarding him, but that will succeed at nothing, because one way or another, I’m going to kill Sean today.

Asgar, Colborn, Haldor, and I are waiting down the street for Tor’s go ahead, but after seeing the men, he told us to wait and disappeared. I’m guessing he went to call Draco and they’re deciding on how to proceed. Any other time, we would have charged in there, and said to hell with everything else; but if these Special Forces are being enhanced, then it is bigger than our chapter, and we need to make sure that we keep all the Elementals and our families safe.

“I hate fucking waiting,” Colborn complains as he rotates his shoulders to appease some of the tension there. Colborn has never been one to hold back or conform to rules—none of us have, but we do look out for each other and with the amount of gang members surrounding the house, and now these two Special Forces inside, we need to make sure of what we are walking into before advancing.

“We all do,” Haldor mutters as he looks up from his phone to Colborn. “But pacing like that isn’t going to help.”

“I, for one, wish there was more of those enhanced fuckers in there, we need a good fight,” Asger says as he glances over his shoulder from where he is standing near the building door, looking on at Sean’s house from a safe distance where he can stay concealed. “Ever since we found most of the Keres, all we do is sit around and get on each other’s nerves.”

We don’t exactly sit around; we have the security detail gig that Tor arranged. Every time a celebrity comes into town, it’s us they call for security. We also have the armament we are moving for the Bratva Fury, and the stakeouts we do to catch the fuckers when they kidnap and move women, but I know where Asgar is coming from.

We need a good fight, and these enhanced assholes that they are playing with, might just be what we need. Walking up behind Asgar, I look towards where Sean’s house is to see three of his men standing outside the high wall of his place, talking. I sense Tor and Garth approaching from the other side. Looking in that direction, I don’t see anything, but I know they’re close. I see them as they make their way towards the building.

The advantage of this place we found a couple of months back, is that this door we are standing at has a direct view to Sean’s house from up the street while the main door into this property is obscured from their sight which allows for our comings and goings without their knowledge.

“We’re moving in,” Tor states the minute he walks into the room with Garth right behind him. “We try to take as many of those assholes alive as possible. Also, we need to see if there is anything there that might be useful for us in regard to Aldor and the kidnapping of the women.”

“You saying I keep Sean alive?” There is no fucking way I’m going to get near that motherfucker and let him continue breathing for long> The anger coursing through my body is like a burning fuse ready to ignite, and I know that the minute I have him within touching distance I will make him feel the pain that he made my woman feel for so long.

“No. I’m saying that we question as many of them as we can.” Tor places his hands low on his waist, his eyes flashing with anger. “You think I don’t want to charge in there and kill every son of a bitch on sight?” he asks, his voice vibrating with his anger.

“I know you do,” I confirm, knowing that Tor loves nothing more than a good fight, but he is also responsible for maintaining a running the Elementals chapter here in Cape Town, therefore, he also needs to think of the best outcome in getting what we need while killing the fuckers.

“Can we stop with the talk already and get on with it?” Colborn asks angrily, his body vibrating with energy.

“Garth,” Tor calls out. Tor is standing by the door with his arms crossed over his chest in a relaxed pose, but after knowing him for centuries, we all know that it’s all a front, and when that tight rein he has on his emotions slips, everything in his path is demolished like a tornado.

“We need to make it quickly to the house, because if the three outside, warn the ones inside, we don’t know what might be waiting.” Garth inclines his head towards where the house is before continuing, “We don’t really know the extent of these new enhancements that were made to the men. If they are the same as what the others encountered, then they are faster and stronger than a human, but still weaker than us. That does not mean that they are the same.”

“Has Celmund managed to locate any information from what we found and sent to them?” Haldor asks.

“They’re still looking into the different methods that they have been using to find the women. Also, we now have locations of where to find these women that have been targeted, so that we can go to them and make sure they are kept safe until their mate finds them.” Garth shrugs as he looks around at all of us. “With the assholes that have been enhanced, the only thing we know is that even though they seem to have some of the previous enhancements the others had, these new guys also have something different, which Bion is still looking into.”

“Looks like we will have to find out for ourselves,” Asgar replies.

“You’re with Haldor,” Tor calls to Asgar, “Dag you stay with Colborn.”

“I will let the others know when to advance,” Garth says, as he pulls out his phone.

Einar, Eirik, Tal, and Ulrich are on the property right behind Sean’s house. They will be breaching his house from there. Dane stayed behind at the club in case of trouble there. Not that he was impressed about the plan, but someone had to do it.

“Let’s go!” Colborn says as he heads for the door. We are taking different points of entry to make sure that no one escapes. After I have killed the fucker, I will tell Esmeralda that she isn’t to blame for his death. I’m thankful that fate has given me this opportunity to make Sean suffer for what he has done, not only for Esmeralda but for all the other women he had his men kidnap.

Asgar and Haldor take off towards the three men. We are breaching the house from the side, so we don’t need to hurry towards the wall, as we will only continue once the three men have been neutralized. Even though the men first three see them coming, they don’t have a chance to warn anyone because Asgar and Haldor run towards them, and they are faster than them being able to pull out their guns to shoot.

I come to a stop with my back to the wall, waiting for the noise of the fight to stop before going over the wall. Sean lives on a quiet street. The neighbours make sure to keep to themselves, as they know not to start anything with a gang leader.

The fighting comes to an end, so Colborn and I turn simultaneously and jump. The wall may be six feet high, but for us, it’s minimal effort. The minute I touch the ground on the inside of the property, I find two of Sean’s gang members pointing their guns at us. Guess they have cameras that we aren’t aware of, but when encountered with guns, especially when we know someone is going to shoot, isn’t a determent for us because we can easily sidestep any bullets. It’s the fuckers that hide, and we don’t see that we need to be wary of.

Haldor and Asgar are now also on the property, and I can hear shooting at the back of the property, which tells me that the others are also in. One of the assholes shoots and aims for me, but I step to my right and sidestep the bullet as I carry on, making my way towards them. Colborn is nearly upon them. I shake my head as I see the grin on his face.

“I’ll take these two, you go on,” he calls as he stops facing them. “Come on, gentleman, who wants to tango?” I would stop and watch if I wasn’t so focused on getting to Sean. I can hear men shouting inside the house as they near the entrance, and then the door is opening and one of the Special Forces guys steps outside.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal