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DAG 12

I hope the bastards are in there, and I can appease some of the anger coursing through my veins at everything they did to my woman. Parked a block away, Tal and I wait for Tor’s call before we move in. We are going to leave our Harley’s here, and walk the rest of the distance to the Desperados establishment. We have agreed that I will bend the earth around the structures to bring it down around them, while Tal will burst the pipes and flood what is left, so that any cocaine they might have lying around will be destroyed.

“What the fuck is taking him so long?” I mutter. I just want to get in there and finish the fuckers off before I go back home to my woman. Something is driving me today. Since knowing that we were finally going to attack the Desperados, I have been looking forward to it. But now that I’m here, I just want to get back home. I know that being mated we start to feel the separation from the other, and the longer we stay apart, the worse it gets. But I haven’t even been away from Esmeralda for two hours, and already I’m feeling a driving force to return to her.

Shaking my head in annoyance, I rotate my shoulders to relieve some of the tension just as Tal’s phone beeps. “About fucking time.” I grunt as I stand from where I was leaning against my bike.

“He has given us the go ahead,” Tal says after looking at his phone. “Now don’t destroy the whole block, just the one building, okay?” At his teasing quip, I scowl at him, which only makes his grin widen.

“Maybe I’ll get the earth to swallow you by mistake,” I say with a straight face.

“Nah, you wouldn’t do that, you like me too much.”

His teasing has me raising a brow.

“Why are you so stressed? I thought that being mated should have you all mellow like a kitten?” His question has me grunting. I don’t like him comparing me to a kitten, so I show him the finger.

He chuckles in amusement. “Now seriously, what’s going on?”

I shrug.

“You’re usually as cool as a cucumber, but today you’re clearly worried about something.”

“I don’t know. I just want to get this over and done with and get back home.” I reply.

“Is your woman starting to accept the fact that she is mated to you?”

His question has me stiffening. Sometimes I think she is, but there is something that tells me that she is still restless and not ready for everything we are offering her, and that makes me nervous. I don’t blame her for everything she has gone through, but the knowledge that she doesn’t trust me completely doesn’t sit well with me.

“She’s getting there.” I think with time, she will realize that we are just trying to help her, and that no matter what, I will never hurt her but instead hurt anyone that dares to harm her in any way.

“Well, after our attack on these fuckers, she won’t need to worry for a while because they will be too busy trying to rebuild, to be hunting for your woman,” Tal says as we approach the Desperados establishment, seeing one of their men leaning against the outside of the building too preoccupied in making out with the woman in his arms then to keep track of who is coming and going.

We don’t need to worry about cameras on this road because the Desperados make sure that there are no eyes on them while they push their product. Walking in, I hear conversations coming from the back of the store, which tells me that there must be at least five men in the back. There is one sitting near the door that tenses and grabs at his gun as we walk inside. Inclining my head towards him, Tal nods as he moves towards him, faster than he wished he could draw his gun. I kneel down on one knee, touching the tips of my fingers to the ground. I visualize the earth rising and falling, rolling below my feet with the fury coursing through my veins. The ground is soon groaning in anger as it heaves.

I hear the men scream as the foundation of the building starts to groan. The man that Tal attacked is now unconscious. I can smell their drugs permitting the air, and hear them shuffling as they try to grab what they can, but they won’t make it out of here, nor will their product. The plaster on the ceiling starts to crack and pieces begin to fall.

Tal bends the water of the building, and I can hear the pipes underground groaning as they erupt with the pressure. I envision a sinkhole opening before us, swallowing everyone and everything before us into the hole. As the earth starts to give way, one of the men is running towards us with a frightened look on his face. When he sees us, his eyes widen, and he raises his hand, pointing his gun at me, but before he can shoot, he is falling, disappearing into the darkness. There are screams as the others encounter the same end.

The earth heaves and shudders as I bring the structure from the back right up to a metre before us down around itself. The water is gurgling, flooding every crack and cranny as it rushes through the destruction. “Our work is done here.” Tal says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I would have liked it to be slower, to be able to at least get a punch in, but I need to go back and be with my mate, something is driving me home, and I will not hesitate now that we have accomplished what we came here to do.

Standing, I turn to make my way back out, only to find the man that was with the woman standing on the other side of the road. His expression is one of shock as he stares at us. The woman is nowhere to be seen, which means that she must have run away or is hiding from the earthquake which most people would do.

“What the fuck are you?” he whispers. Even though we are on the other side of the road, we hear him clearly.

“You would have done well to run,” Tal says as we cross the road. Only then does he realize that we are approaching and turns to start running, but it’s too late, and in a few seconds we have him subdued and standing before us.

“We will kill all of you for this!”

His words have me raising my brows. Is he serious? We have brought down their building and have him now subdued, and he is still threatening us? Tal looks over at me and shakes his head in exasperation.

“You want him?” he asks, which has me nodding.

My hand snaps out, and I grab him around his neck, lifting him off the ground, and pushing him up against the wall of the one of the empty buildings.

“You should have run when you had the chance,” I state as he grabs my arm to pull it away from him, to no avail. His legs kick out, trying to connect with my flesh, but I manage to dodge his movements.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal