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“Have anything interesting on your mind?” he asks jokingly, which has me grunting again as I turn. Placing my hands on my waist, I glare at my Harley. Colborn comes to stand next to me, dropping his hand on my shoulder, as he too, admires my handiwork. “Would you like me to fix that for you? I think you have better places to be.”

I look over at him to see a mischievous grin on his face. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?”

“Nope,” he replies as he steps towards my Harley and squats down next to the pipes to look at them, chuckling. “Damn, you sure must be distracted,” he jokes, as he shakes his head teasingly.

“Yeah, yeah. We will talk again when you meet your mate,” I predict.

“My mate will be a docile, quiet angel.”

I shake my head and grin. “I’ll be laughing when you get a hellcat. It would be interesting to see you deal with that.”

Colborn glances back at me with a raised brow. “Bite your tongue, Bro. Don’t wish such ill luck on me.” Knowing Colborn’s hot temper, having a confrontational woman would mean constant fireworks.

Inclining my head towards my Harley, I thank him for volunteering to rectify my distracted mistake. I start to leave when he stops me again. “We have a meeting tonight. Apparently, the guy we brought back from the hospital is singing like a mockingbird.”

I nod before continuing on my way.

Yesterday at the hospital, we found one of Basil’s men skulking about, waiting to see if Esmeralda made an appearance. We caught him before he could inform anyone that we were there and brought him back. But Tal heard one of the fucking nurses making a call to tell someone that Esmeralda was there. We’re expecting someone soon to come here looking for her, but they will be disappointed as they will not be taking her.

Approaching the room, I can hear the women talking. Freya and Esmeralda are laughing at something Anastasia said. I stop just outside to listen to the women, pleased that they are getting along and that they have taken Esmeralda in so easily. I know that since meeting her at the coffee shop, before they even knew that she was my mate, that the women were worried about Esmeralda’s predicament. Now that she has been found and brought here to safety, I know that they are relieved that we found her and are keeping her safe.

Opening the door, I’m surprised to hear the women’s voices coming from the bathroom. Walking towards the door, I hear a splash as I come to stand in the doorway, only to freeze when I see Esmeralda laying with her head back in the bath, her expression relaxed—content. Freya is sitting on the closed toilet seat, and Anastasia is sitting on the side of the bath, looking down at Esmeralda as she soaks in the bubble bath.

“Is this just a girl’s party or can anyone join in?”

Esmeralda squeaks in surprise and sits up quickly, causing the bubbles to slide down her torso, revealing her bountiful breasts to my hungry view. Fuck me, my hardness is ready to drill through my zipper. Her good arm shoots up to cover her breasts, her eyes wide with shock.

“Dag, you surprised us,” Anastasia says with a laugh. “I nearly fell into the bath.”

“Good thing the toilet seat was down, or I would have fallen into the toilet,” Freya jokes.

The situation has Anastasia and Freya laughing, but I notice that Esmeralda seems afraid, and completely oblivious to their joking.

“Well, now that I have given you all a fright, I can go lie down and chill until you are finished in here,” I say in a playful tone, trying to appease Esmeralda.

“Oh, I will get out now so you can use the bathroom,” she says, immediately looking around. I’m guessing she’s looking for a towel.

“Nonsense, enjoy the bath. There is no hurry.” With that, I turn and head towards the chair on the far side of the room, groaning as I sit because my cock rubs against the zipper. Fuck, if I don’t make Esmeralda mine soon, my cock will never be the same.

Sitting, I stretch out my legs, flexing my shoulders to try to relieve some of the tension there. “Relax, Esmeralda, you were enjoying the bath. Lay back and close your eyes. Ignore that lug in the other room.” Anastasia says.

“I heard that,” I yell, causing Anastasia to laugh.

“Let me help you wash your hair,” Freya says.

Her words immediately have my mind picturing Esmeralda laying back in the water with her breasts bobbing in the water, eyes closed as I pinch her nipples. Shit! I quickly sit up. There’s no way I can sit here listening to every splash in the bath while I imagine Esmeralda in there, and I can’t touch her.

Sitting forward, I squeeze my eyes shut. This is not going to be easy. I’m distracted by my obsession with her when I hear running feet approaching. Standing, I open the door to the bedroom and see Asger heading my way with a scowl on his face.

“They are at the gate,” he calls, as he continues down the corridor to Tor’s office.

“Shit.” Walking out, I close the door behind me as I hurry outside. Perfect, I need a fight to get some of this frustration out of my system. I see Colborn, Tal, Dane, and Ulrich already at the gate with two of our prospects. By the energy radiating off the men, it’s clear that the situation is tense.

“There you are,” Basil calls out as I approach the gate. “Where is she?”

Crossing my arms, I scowl, but don’t say anything as we wait for Tor. A minute later, I can sense Tor approaching. When he emerges, there’s a scowl darkening his features.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal