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“You are going to be so far away,” he murmurs softly, which tells me that he has accepted the fact that I will be staying here.

“You can come and visit anytime, you two are retired there is no reason why you shouldn’t come here for a while and I can come and visit you whenever I can.” I feel a knot in my throat, it is true that I have always been close to my parents and have seen them at least three times a week, since what happened not seeing them has made me miss them terribly but I believe that once everything has settled, I will be able to see them often.

“Firstly, you guys need to buy a phone which I can video call because we are in the twentieth century and that phone you have is ready to retire.” At my dig I can hear him chuckle.

“Your mom is not going to like this, but she will understand,” he says.

“Thank you, Dad, I will phone back later and then we can make plans for you two to come and visit.” I would love for them to come here and meet Ulrich, I’m not sure how the men and Tor will feel about my parents visiting, but I’m sure that we can make a plan. After disconnecting the call, I head downstairs meeting Tor on the stairs I stop.

“Would my parents be able to visit sometime?” I can see that my question has surprised him because he tenses.

“Umm, I don’t think they will be too thrilled about their daughter living in a motorcycle club with eleven men.” There is a frown adorning his handsome features as he raises his muscular arm to pull back his hair from his face. “We have two flats at the back of the property that we built, they aren’t yet finished but they can be in the next month, like when your parents. . .” before he can finish, I have thrown my arms around his waist and am hugging him which has him tensing and his words come to a stop.

“Thank you, thank you,” I say happily, ignoring his tense body as I take a step back.

“Sure.” I can tell by his grunted reply that he is uncomfortable with my demonstration.

“You know what Tor?” I say, “You are actually just a softie under all that bluster, aren’t you?” He raises a brow but I don’t wait for his reply as I turn and continue on my way down the stairs. I hear his grunt, which has me smiling. An evil action brought me to this club surrounded by these men, and has opened up the gates to my future, I am pleased that they chose me to be kidnapped.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal