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“How did I know?” he asks, “well brother, I have a mate and I know how it feels when we are away from each other.” I grunt, hearing that come from Burkhart I feel better as Burkhart is as bad ass as they come. “I have also heard the others talking about how often you have phoned,” he says, and I can just imagine his grin.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter and hear Burkhart chuckling.

“Hello,” at the sound of her voice my whole-body tenses in pleasure, a tingling runs down my spine and I can just picture her frowning in confusion at being given the phone.

“Hey Vixen.” When she hears my voice, I can hear her quiet intake of air telling me that she has the same reaction as I did at hearing her voice.

“I’m sorry about your room.”

“It was in need of remodelling, anyway; besides you don’t need to be sorry I’m the one that broke down the door and burnt the floor.” At my words I hear her laugh, a husky sound that feels like it’s stroking over my skin.

“I shouldn’t have tried to freeze your tongue.” I can hear her whispered words telling me that she doesn’t want the others to know what she is saying, maybe I should tell her that no matter how softly she whispers, if there are Elemental’s nearby they are going to hear what she is saying but then she will close down and not talk like she is. I will tell her when I get back home.

“It was refreshing,” I quip thinking of the cold feeling I felt in my mouth when she tried to freeze my tongue, the grin spreading across my face as I shake my head at the audacity of my mate.

“Where are you?” she asks, “I can hear men talking in the background.” I know that, that isn’t the only thing she can hear. She is hearing the loud sound of music and most probable women’s voices too.

“We are staying over at the Panheads MC club, they are having a party.” Her slight intake of breath tells me that she doesn’t like the sound of that. “To be honest, I would rather be there, the last thing I feel like doing is partying.”

“Is it far from here?” she asks.

“A bit, but I should be home tomorrow afternoon sometime.” I would rather my arms were around her this night like they were last night, and even though she was upset with me, her body melded to mine like a second skin.

“Ulrich.” Looking up I see Garth a couple of steps away he inclines his head towards the club which has me looking towards the door and then tense. Shit, there is going to be a fucking fight and the poor fucker will die if he goes in there right now.

“I have to go, will see you tomorrow,” I mutter, my anger rising at having to cut my call short. “Does he have a fucking death wish?” I mutter to Garth as I start making my way towards Tim, one of the Panheads members and a royal asshole.

If Tor sees him, he will vaporize the idiot. The last time we were here this bastard decided to pull a gun out and start shooting, his way of partying. A stray bullet lodged in Haldor’s shoulder, which had Tor losing his shit at someone shooting at one of his men. If it wasn’t for Dane and I hiding the fool, he would have died that day. “What the fuck do you think you are doing here?” I ask as I come to stand before him. His surprised look showing his complete ignorance of the gravity of his situation.

“This is my club, why shouldn’t I be here?” he says as he takes a step towards me. Wrong move asshole. I stretch out my arm, taking hold of his t-shirts collar I pull him towards me.

“Because the last time we saw you, you nearly killed one of our men.” He tries to shrug me off, but there is no way that I am letting go of this asshole until he is out of Tor’s reach.

“Get your hands off me,” he says loudly and then he makes a noticeably big mistake. He pulls back his arm and tries to punch me. I swerve in time to miss his punch, but my arm is already returning the punch, and he is flying back as I get him right under his jaw.

“What the hell man,” one of the men from the Panheads mutters as he rushes towards Tim that is laying still on the ground. “You knocked him out,” he states as he looks at me from where he is leaning over Tim.

“He shouldn’t be here, take him home.” Garth states as he goes to stand over both men. I have had enough of this. Turning I walk inside leaving Garth to sort out Tim and his friend. I walk towards the bar and take a seat, waiting for the girl behind the bar to come and serve me.

“What’s up, I could feel your energy vibrating from all the way over there?” Dane says as he comes to stand next to me, a beer in his hand as he inclines his head to where he was standing before.

“I was talking to my woman, and I had to stop to go deal with an asshole,” I mutter, which has Dane grin in amusement as he shakes his head.

“Don’t worry brother you will see your mate tomorrow,” he says, “Now come on have a drink,” he grabs the beer from the woman behind the bar and places it before me as he winks at her surprise. I see her smile, which tells me that Dane will have company tonight.

“Hey Sugar, all done with your call?” I grunt when I feel her hands on my back, snapping around with such speed that she jumps, startled.

“Not in the mood, darling, maybe next time.” I see her surprised look, but she nods and leaves.

“Well I never thought I would see the day,” Dane says, punching me on the arm. “Ulrich turning down a woman.”

“There is only one woman I want,” I mutter as I stand, I might as well go to bed now because the sooner we sleep the sooner we. . . I stop in my tracks as I see two cops walking in.

“That’s him,” I tense when I see Tim pointing at me. No fucking way, I will kill the fucker. I see the cops heading my way and then suddenly Tor, Dane and Garth are standing beside me. The music comes to a stop as the cops come to stand before me.

“Did you attack this man?” the policeman asks, I can sense Tor’s rage, his muscles are vibrating with his anger and I am hoping that he doesn’t lose his cool because then it won’t only be me in jail and I need someone to get me out.

“He was going to punch me first, I just defended myself,” I state as I look over at Tim, my eyes I’m sure are promising all the hell that I want to reign down on him right now.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal