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I insisted with Tor on coming on this run. He knew that I was just trying to run from the problem at hand, but I don’t give a damn. I need time before facing Anastasia again, but being away from her the whole day has me going mad. I keep on thinking about her; I have never been so obsessed about anyone as I am about her. Not knowing what she is doing has me raving mad.

I knew that as an elemental we can’t be away from our mates for long, but this is ludicrous, I have only been away for a day. Pulling out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, I look at it for what feels like the hundredth time. “Just call already,” Dane mutters from where he’s sitting on his bike smoking.

“Phone who?” I mutter.

“You know who, you keep on checking your phone, just call her,” he says with a shrug.

“She doesn’t have a phone,” I mutter, which I will change as soon as possible because not being able to know what she is doing is driving me nuts.

“So, what’s stopping you from phoning Dag?” I tense at his question, then I shrug.

“He’s not answering me.” At my statement I see him frown and then he raises a brow.

“You mean that he’s not answering you?” at his question I nod.

“How many times have you phoned him?” At my scowl he throws back his head and starts to chuckle, “You want me to phone him for you?” I start by shaking my head but then stop.

“Would you?” He shakes his head in amusement as he pulls his phone out of his Kutte and dials.

“Hey Bro,” he says which has me approaching him, “what you up to?”

“We have just got back, damn women decided to go shopping,” I hear him mutter, “so what’s up?” he asks

“Just wanted to appease Ulrich, he’s been unconsolable.” At his words I lift my hand showing him the finger which has him grinning.

“He has phoned me five times today,” Dag mutters, “tell him she’s fine, if she isn’t, I will phone him.”

“Will do bro.” he disconnects the call, then raises a brow at me, “happy” he knows that I could hear the conversation from where I was standing, with our keen hearing we hear better than most. I’m not happy, I would only be happy if I could actually see my woman, touch her, but at least knowing that she is fine will do for now.

“Thanks,” I grunt as I sit on my bike waiting for the others, we dropped the guns off an hour ago and now we are waiting to make sure that they get across the border without any problems. The Elemental’s MC has an agreement with the Bratva Fury Mafia to transport weapons for them, that is one of our most profitable ways of income. We also rent out our services when it comes to protection for a limited time, Tor organized it with a company that has rock bands or movie stars staying in Cape Town for a short period of time and require extra protection for them.

To be honest, that is the easiest money we have ever done, yes sometimes the people we are protecting can be real pricks but its short-term gigs therefore we grin and bear it. We have one of those coming up where there is a new rising actress that is filming in Town and she will need extra protection while she is here as she hasn’t got protection of her own.

I was looking forward to being one of the men on that job, but now I will gladly have one of the others take my place as I won’t stay away from Anastasia for an undetermined timeframe. I hear the growl of bikes in the distance, which tells me that the others are approaching. “I’m looking forward to crashing for a couple of hours, I didn’t sleep much last night,” Dane mutters as the others draw closer

I would gladly ride for home right now, but I know that we won’t be doing that and instead will be stopping over at another motorcycle club which we are friends with. They usually take us in when we are in the area, like we do with them when they are in Cape Town. When the others are close, I lean forward and start my bike, when I get back home tomorrow I have decided that I am going to try and be more understanding of Anastasia, I’m not the soft-spoken kind of guy but I will try being more aware of her wishes.

Dane and I ride behind Tor, Eirik, Asger and Garth into Town, the minute we stop our bikes outside the Panheads MC club I have my phone out of my pocket and am looking to see if a text has come through. I can’t believe what a wuss I have become, but I have a drive within me to be close to Anastasia.

“Are you coming in?” Eirik asks as he walks past, looking towards the club I grunt when I see Jackson and his boys. This is the last thing I feel like doing, hanging out with a bunch of bikers drinking and partying.

“Hello darling,” I grunt before turning my head to see one of the Panheads women approaching. Great, now I also need to ward off unwanted company. I know that I have been with her before, but for the life of me I can’t remember what her name is. “I was super excited to know you guys were in town.”

“Yeah, exciting,” I mutter, feeling anything but. “Why don’t you go on inside sweetheart, I need to make a call.” I see her smile as she places her hand on my arm, stroking her fingers down my arm, her bleached blond hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. The feeling of her touch has my skin feeling as if pins are stabbing into my skin.

Great, not only am I mentally repulsed by this woman, but my very own body betrays me. Before I would be on this woman like a rash, now my body gives me a rash if she so much as touches me. “Don’t be long,” she murmurs as she walks past. I look after her seeing her sexy little body encased in a tight-fitting red dress, but all I can think about is Anastasia in my t-shirt. Her wild curls springing around her as she glares at me.

Looking down at my phone again I grunt as I start scrolling through my contacts, stopping on one I sigh, well here goes nothing. I dial and wait.

“Hey,” Burkhart greets.

“Hey, are you at the club?” I ask.

“Yeah, and yes I’ll give her the phone,” I can hear amusement in his voice.

“How did. . .”

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal