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“I had to break it down to get to Anastasia,” I mutter, he raises a brow as he looks at me.

“Not going well, is it?” he asks

“She tried to freeze me.” At my statement he grins.

“Looks like you found your match brother,” he says as he slaps me on the back and then walks away. I grunt in reply as I once again close my eyes, trying to find the mate’s essence. As an elemental our essence is bound together the moment, we mated therefore I will be able to find her anywhere as long as I’m close enough to feel her energy.

Turning to my left I make my way down the corridor and then turn left, I hear Anastasia talking before I draw closer, her voice is low, but I can hear everything she is saying. Being an elemental doesn’t only come with a long life, but we can hear, smell, and see way better than a human can. Our strength and speed are also more advanced than humans.

You say we are destined to be together but look at the way we fight, how can I be with someone when all we do is fight. I tense when I hear Anastasia’s doubts; I know that it is difficult for someone that is an elemental to understand the rightness of a bonded relationship but she should be able to feel the connection between us? Yes, we fight, but that is just because we are both hard-headed and want to be right. I won’t let her think that we are not good together, she will realize how good we are together, I just need to show her.

I sense Aria and Saskia inside; I don’t want to interrupt them when they are clearly trying to calm Anastasia. They will help her understand our bond, the elemental’s drive and commitment to their mates. And when I join her, I will start by showing her how much I appreciate her. I have always been a success with the women, I won’t start being a disappointment now with my very own mate.

Turning I make my way back downstairs, I will have to ask someone to help and the only one that I know that can sweet talk like the devil himself is Colburn, he will teach me what to say and how to romance her. I’m used to women like the blossoms, women that will do anything to please us. To now encounter a woman that actually says no, a woman that is stubborn, that knows her own mind.

“You back?” Garth asks with a raised brow when I walk back into the bar.

“Yeah, I need to discuss something with Colburn.” Colburn that is sitting next to him raises a brow. “Let’s go for a walk,” I mutter which has both men look at me in surprise, but Colburn nods and stands following me outside.

Looking around, I notice two of the prospects by the bikes having a smoke, I make my way towards the wall that surrounds the property and the club.

“I didn’t know you wanted to go for a walk.” Colburn quips, I don’t reply and carry on walking as I try to think of a way of bringing up a way of what I need from him. “Come on Bro, just spit it out,” he suddenly mutters stopping in his tracks.

“I need your help,” I say as I also stop and look at him.

“Sure, what do you need?” he asks with a frown.

“I’m not a fucking poet, or one of those sensitive guys,” I state and see him frown, “therefore I need you to teach me.”

“What?” Colburn asks with a surprised look on his face, “are you saying that I’m a sensitive guy?”

“You are more sensitive to all these fancy words women like to hear than what I am,” I say with a shrug, “I just need you to teach me what to say.” Colburn is looking at me as if I have gone mad and then all of a sudden, he is throwing back his head and roaring with laughter. “This isn’t funny,” I mutter.

“Dude, this is hilarious.” Colburn says with a wide grin, “Ulrich, the man, the legend. Isn’t that what you used to call yourself?” I glare at his words as I remember joking with the others a time or two about being a legend.

“Fine, just forget about it,” I mutter as I turn to start making my way back to the club, maybe this was a stupid idea.

“Wait, it’s cool. Let’s figure out what it is that you really need,” Colburn says as he comes to stand next to me.

“I don’t fucking know what it is that I need, all I know is that she says I’m a caveman. I want her to see that I can treat my mate the way she needs to be treated; I want to please her.” Looking at him, I can feel myself frowning, “She thinks we aren’t right for each other because we argue too much.” Colburn places his hand on my shoulder as he squeezes gently.

“Dude, she’s your mate and like it or not there will be arguments.” He shakes his head as he looks at me, “you two are hard-headed, you will both have to find a way of giving in sometimes. You don’t need to give your woman flowery words brother, all you need to do is tell her what you are feeling.”

“I do, she says I’m a caveman,” I mutter as I place my hands on my lower waist.

“No, not when you guys are arguing. I am talking about the way you feel in general about stuff. Speak to her brother, get to know her and try not to push her to do everything your way, do some stuff her way too.”

I’m not sure she wants to get to know me, I think the attraction is there for her but in regard to personality I don’t think my mate likes me much. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to block everything out; I knew having a mate was going to drive me crazy, I was right.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal