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As soon as I saw Aria and Katrina walking into the bar without Anastasia, I knew something was wrong. When they told me that Anastasia went rushing upstairs, I went after her only to find the door frozen solid. Fuck, she can freeze things like the ice pole. I was so damn furious that she would try to keep me away from her that I wasn’t thinking straight when I threw her over my knee and spanked her.

I still don’t know what the fuck has her in a rage, Aria and Katrina told me she was angry, but they didn’t tell me why, I will find out what happened though. Rushing into the bar I look around and see Katrina sitting to the one side with Draco, Bjarni and Gabriela. “Why is she in a fucking mood?” I ask as I come to a stop in front of the table.

I see Draco turn his head towards me and by the look in his eye I know that I better be careful how I talk to his mate, but fuck Anastasia drives me out of her mind. “Did you ask her?” Katrina asks with a raised brow.

“She froze the room, I had to break the door to get in.” Gabriela covers her mouth in surprise, Katrina claps as if it’s the best thing she heard.

“Wow, that girl has the best gift,” Katrina states as she places her hand over Draco’s, “If you want to know why your girl was upset, you should go ask your two play friends over there.” At her words I frown looking over my shoulder at who she’s talking about. I see Dag and Colburn at the bar and there is Tanya and Monica sitting with Dane and Garth.

“Who?” I ask, looking back at her.

“You don’t remember, your night of torrent play?” Katrina asks sarcastically, “Your little girlfriends don’t have the same problem, they were very colourful in explaining to your mate about your games.” Hearing the reason for Anastasia’s anger I feel my body tensing. They told her that I was with both of them, shit. I snap around and see the women looking at me with guilty looks on their faces.

Striding towards them I feel the anger pumping through my veins. They know better than to mess with a brother’s old lady. Dane looks up at me with a smile on his face, but the smile quickly tenses when he senses my anger. “Hey brother,” he calls but I ignore him as I look directly at the women, I see Monica looking down at the table, but Tanya is looking directly at me, her posture confrontational.

“Did you two talk to my old lady?” I can hear the anger vibrating in my voice but if what Katrina said is true, then these two just jeopardized my bond and I won’t let anyone ever come between my mate and me. They hurt Anastasia with their purposeful innuendos, I will not let anyone hurt my mate no matter what.

“It wasn’t me,” Monica states quietly, her eyes still down.

“She needed to hear the truth; she needs to know that if she wants to please you, she will have to get that stick out of her ass.” I lose complete control at her mean words, one minute I am standing before them the next I am about to place my hands around her neck when I feel the weight barrelling into me.

“Calm down brother,” I hear Colburn say but the thought that his women purposefully baited Anastasia, hurting her feelings, placing a wedge between us all because of her dislike for the mate has my reason leaving me as I push at Colburn’s shoulders. Then there are arms holding me down from above and I see Dane hovering over me.

“Don’t make me knock you out because of that bitch brother, we will deal with her calm down,” Dane mutters. I can hear the women talking and someone shouting but I can’t tell who it is as I try to calm the raging fury that is racing through my body.

“Get them out of here,” I hear someone say.

“But I didn’t do anything,” I hear Monica cry out.

“Let me go,” I mutter as I try to shrug both of them off me, finding a semblance of control but they aren’t budging as they hold me down.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I hear Tor roar as he walks in.

“Looks like the blossoms were messing with Ulrich’s old lady,” Garth replies.

“Let him go,” Tor orders.

“Stay calm, or I will knock your ass out,” Dane mutters, his muscles vibrating as he pulls his hands away. Colburn looks at me intensely before he gets up from where he was straddling me and then stretches out his hand to help me up. Taking his hand, I stand and then turn to face Tor that is standing by the entrance door to the bar with his hands low on his hips.

“What happened?” He asks with a raised brow.

“Looks like Tanya decided that my woman isn’t good enough for me and needed to know about my earlier sexual encounters.” At the words, I feel my stomach knot when I think about what Anastasia must have thought.

“She will be gone,” Tor states as he starts to turn to walk out again but I stop him with my next words.

“Monica too.” Instead of answering, he simply nods and then he is leaving.

“At least we still have Andy and Camille,” Colburn quips as he wiggles his eyebrows.

“For now,” Katrina says from where she’s sitting, looking over my shoulder at he,r I see her smiling at me sweetly. “Mates don’t like the idea of their men being around women they have slept with,” she states with a shrug as she looks at Draco. “Just think how you would feel if it was reversed.” At her words I tense, the thought of Anastasia sleeping with anyone has me wanting to kill someone. I see Draco scowling at her just before he places his hand behind her neck and pulls her towards him as he kisses her passionately.

“Oh no man,” Garth mutters as he glares at me, “does that mean we have to get rid of the other two?”

“Maybe we can get some new blossoms in, ones that Ulrich didn’t touch,” Colburn states as he scratches his jaw and then grins, “Isn’t a bad idea, maybe we just send Camille and Andy to one of our other chapters and get ourselves new help.” The women at the club are the ones that usually cook our meals and do what is needed to maintain the place, not that they do a great job, but it’s better than what we would do. If they are all gone, we will need to find more help. I should have found out why Anastasia was upset before going up to talk to her but where she is concerned all logic leaves me. I ignore the comments as I make my way towards my room only to stop outside when I see it empty. The door has been placed on the outside against the wall and the room has been cleaned. I will have to thank Eirik and Haldor for cleaning up but for now I must find Anastasia.

I close my eyes to sense her, but then snap them open again and look behind me to see Tor walking towards me. “What the hell happened here?” he grunts as he looks inside, good thing it’s already cleaned or he wouldn’t have been so calm.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal