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All I can do is stare at him as he lays on the floor stunned, and then he turns his head, glaring at me. Suddenly the ice all around him is melting and I can feel heat rising from the floor. He stands, his eyes not leaving me not even for a second. “Don’t ever try to keep me away from you, because nothing, not even you will keep me from you.” He starts walking towards me, and even though I try to hold my place, the anger in his eyes has me stepping back.

“You are mine; you do not block me from you.” His voice is low in anger, “and if you ever try to freeze me again, I will spank you.” At his words I gasp in surprise.

“I’m not yours, and you wouldn’t dare.” Before I can even blink, I find myself being lifted off the floor and then he is placing me face down over his lap as he sits on the now wet bed. “Ulrich, don’t you . . .” before I can finish my sentence, he is bringing down his palm flat on my ass.

“Aargh,” I screech but he doesn’t listen or pay any attention as I try to wiggle off his lap, instead his hand comes down again stinging my ass cheek. “Oh, you caveman,” I scream as he spanks me again, after another couple of spanks I stop fighting as my ass is now feeling like it’s on fire.

He spanks me two more times before he finally pulls me up to my feet; I look up at him and glare. I can sense the anger still coursing through his body, his every muscle is tense, and his eyes are hard with his ire. His head turns and then he is looking around the room which has me following his gaze, to my dismay I see most of the things are wet, the door is laying half on the bed the other half on the floor. I see Haldor and Eirik standing outside the door, a look of surprise on their faces as they look at both of us.

Suddenly Ulrich is turning and walking out of the room, his shoulders tense as he leaves. I start to follow, I’m about to argue when Eirik steps inside, “Let him be sugar, give him a minute.” At his words, I tense.

“This isn’t all my fault, you know,” I mutter as I look around again, “do you know that he slept with Tanya and Monica at the same time.” I know that I am sounding prudish, but that man is unbelievable.

“It was before you sweetheart, trust me when I tell you that he wants nothing to do with any other women except you.” Haldor states as he walks towards the door and picks it up, these doors are solid wood but the way he is handling it, it would make anyone think that it weights nothing.

“How am I supposed to believe that when every time I look around, they are there, and she definitely won’t keep away from him the way she spoke.” My anger is rising again when I think of Tanya, “I do not share, and I will not be in a relationship where I’m not sure about my man.” I suddenly tense when I realize what I just said. When did I start thinking of Ulrich as my man? And when did I start thinking of us as a relationship?

It is madness being in a relationship with a man like Ulrich; I feel my stomach knotting as I think of leaving and not being with Ulrich. My heart starts to race as I think of Ulrich coming up here and telling me that this won’t work, that we are way too volcanic for it to work. I jump in surprise when Eirik comes to stand right before me.

“It will be fine, just let him cool down and then you two can figure out how not to destroy the rest of the club,” Haldor says as he runs his fingers down the wall which is wet through. “Good thing Tor went out and might not notice when he comes back because he will be pissed to see this.”

“I’m sorry.” Now that I look around, I feel absolutely terrible at the destruction in the wake of Ulrich and my anger. The ground where Ulrich slipped is burned as if there was a great fire, I can just imagine at the heat that he was radiating to do that to the floor, good thing there is no carpet in here or it would have gone up in flames and then we would have burnt down the club.

“Its fine sugar, just keep away from my room okay,” Eirik teases as he pulls the bedding off the bed. “Looks like you guys won’t be able to sleep in here for a while, the mattress is wet through. I see Eirik pressing down with his palm and hear a sloshing sound.

“That water will never dry in there,” I mutter, already thinking of buying a new mattress to pay Ulrich back for destroying his bed but then I gasp as I see Eirik lifting his hand and water lifting from the mattress up as if a reversed waterfall and through the air in particles into the bathroom. No way, I bring up my hands and rub at my eyes, but when I open them again, he is still pulling the water from the mattress and somehow driving it through the air into the bathroom.

“I’m guessing you are water element.”Eirik looks over at me and smiles.

“What gave me away?” he quips just as Aria walks into the room followed by Saskia.

“Oh man, this place is trashed,” Saskia says making me feel worse, I see Aria elbow Saskia and then she is walking up to me and hugging me, something that I never did much of before but which I find I like.

“Come Anastasia, let’s go find you somewhere else to spend the night,” Aria says as she draws her arm through mine and starts to guide me out of the room.

“Hey sugar, just try not to destroy something else tonight, okay.” Eirik says.

“Don’t be mean Eirik,” Saskia says as we walk out of the room and I hear Eirik mutter.

“What did I say?”

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal