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“DUB could stand for Durban, but because there is an I at the end it means it is international coordinates, therefore DUB stands for Dubai, and yes the thirty six N stands for thirty six North and twenty eight East,” Anastasia says as she looks at Burkhart.

“Are you saying it’s a shipping reference?” Tor asks with a frown.

“It sounds like a shipping reference,” she says as she steps around me towards the laptop, “I will look into that reference and see what ship it is and if it has already left port.” She sits back down before the laptop and starts to type. After a couple of minutes, she looks over her shoulder at Burkhart, “It says here that, that ship left port three days ago.”

“That must have been the ship that they were going to take Anastasia in,” I state as in come to stand behind her.

“Damn, would be nice if we caught a break,” Dag mutters, “now we will have to start from scratch again and try and find another ship that they will be using.”

“At least we know that they were transporting them to Dubai, maybe the others have been taken there too,” Colburn says, “maybe we can get someone on to that side to look at things.”

“Actually, we might be able to find something,” Anastasia says as she looks around at the men, “If they have always transported the women to the same place then I can call up how many times this reference has been used in the last year, and then we can look at which companies are sending there and how often.” I can see her frown as she thinks of all the steps, she can use to track down these fuckers.

“It might be a long list, wont it as I assume there are quite a few things being transported to Dubai,” Burkhart asks

“Yes, the list might be long, but I can then reduce it by who the official is that opens these containers. If we find a set of containers from the same company being opened by the same official, then we know that there is something fishy happening.”

“Can you do that from here, or do you need anything else to get that information?” Tor asks as he approached us.

“For the main list I will be able to get it from here, but when it comes to who the official is, then I need to get into international database and I don’t have the access here as that was all on my laptop,” Anastasia says which has me placing my hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently to try calm her worries.

“Celmund will help you get into the database, when you are ready let Ulrich know and he will contact Celmund.” I nod to Draco; I prefer this option than to let Anastasia go all the way back to work. I know that sooner or later she will want to see her parents and she will want to inform her boss that she is fine but first I would rather first find out if anyone she knows was involved in her kidnapping.

“Who knew about your gift besides your parents?” She tenses under my hand.

“What?” she asks, lifting her head back to look at me.

“They are kidnapping mostly women with gifts like yours, someone must have known about your gift for them to find out.” At my statement, she scowls and then shakes her head.

“Only my parents knew about what I can do, and the doctors.” At her reply, Bjarni sits forward.

“Who were the doctors?” Bjarni asks, “we have found with other women that they are getting the information from clinics which the women have frequented.” He looks back at Draco, “we thought we had got all the lists, looks like they might have more.”

“It can’t be, I was just a kid when I had tests done.” Then she raises her hand to touch mine as she half turns on the chair to look at me, “but they did contact me about a year ago, they said that they had a little girl that had the same symptoms as me and if I would be willing to go in and do some more tests so that they can compare to hers and try and find a cure.”

“The fuckers most probably wanted to kidnap you then already,” Dag says.

“You don’t think that they really had a little girl, did they?” I can hear the worry in her voice as she looks at me, placing a hand on her cheek I lean down kissing her lips gently.

“No vixen, they didn’t have another girl there. More than likely they just wanted to get you there,” I state as I stand up straight again.

“Why didn’t you go?” Colburn asks as he comes to sit next to Bjarni.

“I thought that if the girl was like me, then she would realize that it isn’t an illness, I had so many needles and tests done when I was there that I am reluctant to go anywhere near a needle again,” She murmurs.

“Good thing you mated to an Elemental then, we don’t get sick,” Burkhart says as he turns to go back downstairs.

“I’ll come with you,” Tor says looking back at Draco that nods. The three of them make their way out. With Aria getting the information from their minds, we might find out more than we have in a couple of months. Just then Dane walks in from outside a scowl on his face as he looks around.

“What’s up?” Dag asks as Dane starts making his way towards where the others disappeared. He stops then lifts his phone in frustration.

“Suraya found her mate,” Dane grunts which has me tensing, fuck, Tor is going to be in a mood. Suraya is one of the women that Draco and his men found, at the time Saskia, Burkhart’s mate and another four women were being hunted by the Keres when they found them. Draco asked that we come down and collect the women and transport them to their families. Right from the beginning Tor and Suraya had a hate, love relationship going. Suraya has the gift of attraction and Tor was attracted; he tries to keep away from her as much as he can, but we all know that she is out of bounds.

“Good thing it’s you telling him,” Dag states as he winks at a disgruntled Dane.

“Who is she mated to?” I ask curious to know why she hasn’t found her mate until now, most of the women that we have found if they have a mate that mate is identified at the time.

“It was one of the Keres, apparently he was cured and is back to being an Elemental and now going to be mated,” Dane updates as he shrugs.

“You want to go for a ride?” I ask leaning down close to Anastasia’s ear, I see the skin on her arms rise in goosebumps as my nearness which makes me smile.

“Now?” she asks breathlessly.

“Yeah, I don’t want to be here when Tor hears the news,” I mutter, to be honest I don’t think Tor will be that upset, but he does dislike losing and this he will see as losing one of his women to someone else.

“Okay, but I must warn you I have never been on a motorcycle before.” At her words I smile, she doesn’t know what she has been missing she will see what it feels like when flying. To have my woman all to myself, close behind me has my body reacting at the thought. When before all I wanted was to ride my bike solo now, I can’t think of anything better than having my mate with me.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal