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Max Shine

“Pashen! Pashen Harlowe!”

Max called behind the woman he loved, but the way she looked at him made him think she wanted nothing to do with him. That’s when Simone grabbed his arm and it dawned on him. She didn’t want to talk to him because he was with her. Simone had been a pain in his ass since he took that job. If sexual harassment was a person, then she was it. Every chance she got, her hands were all over him making him very uncomfortable.

He had told her he wasn’t interested in rekindling their relationship when he agreed to take the job. Her being the pushy bitch she was, she did not hear him. She wanted what she wanted. She had told him, ‘You’ll change your mind, Maxy. You know you can’t resist me.’

Resist her is exactly what he did. It wasn’t even that difficult. His heart belonged to PJ and no amount of fake tits and money could make him want to be with Simone. Seeing PJ in person just reinforced his feeling. He definitely loved her, and he wanted her back.

Secretly, Max had been searching for a new job that would bring him back to Charlotte. He had retained his apartment, refusing to sell it. He hoped he would one day return to the area to live. The look she gave him confirmed that she still had feeling for him. He just had to figure out a way to get her back. There was only one person who could help him… Latti.

“Max, how’s it hanging?” Latti answered his phone with his usual jovial greeting.

“Hey, man. I was calling because I need your help. I know you saw me in the restaurant earlier and I really wanted to talk to Pashen. Why did you guys cut out so fast?”

“Look, Max, it’s not really my place, but PJ is my best friend, and this talk is a long time coming. She misses you, but every time you see each other it results in her getting hurt. She can’t take that shit anymore. So either you need to be serious about her or leave her the hell alone.”

“I am very serious about her, Max. I love her.”

“Then act like it, dude. She needs someone in her life that will not only show her love and affection, but a man who will fight for her. If you can’t be the man she needs, walk away now.”

“I’m in one hundred percent. I just don’t know how to reach her.”

“Have you ever heard of a grand gesture? Take a hint from John Hughes, man. Now that that is settled, I have a job offer for you. You may have hear that Aston Financial acquired a streaming service and I would like for you to come work for our television division.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“It would mean you moving back to Charlotte. We are trying to make the Queen City a media hub like Atlanta. I can have my assistant send you over an offer letter detailing everything.”

“I need to think about it, but it sounds like a great offer.”

“I look forward to hearing back from you. Later, Max.”

That job offer from Lattimore gave him a great idea of how to get his woman back. He had to fly back to Atlanta to put his plan into action. Once he reviewed the details of the job, he would be moving home. He was going to get his woman back or die trying.

Two weeks after putting in his notice in Atlanta, Max was filming his last segment for the Weather Channel. Simone had been livid when he told her he was leaving. She hadn’t spoken to him since, much to his relief. His apartment was all packed and the movers were coming to take him back to Charlotte in the morning. He just had one last thing to do before he left.

“Good morning from your boy. Max Shine! I wanted to announce that today is my last day here at the Weather Channel. While I loved bringing you the weather here in Atlanta, I have another opportunity waiting for me in Charlotte. I just hope the one person I love is still there waiting for me.

“She evoked so much Pashen in me and it is quite impossible to ignore. Guys, I really messed things up between us and I didn’t know how to fix it until now. Baby, I’m coming home, and I hope you hear me when I say that I love you and I will fight for your love. I will never take it for granted again.

“So baby, here I am bearing my soul to you. I will be back tomorrow, and I pray to God that you are there waiting for me. I will do anything to have your love again. I love you so much and can’t wait till I can hold you in my arms again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for indulging me. It was a great pleasure bringing you the weather and I leave you in good hands.”

Max arrived in Charlotte on a high, He rushed to the penthouse hoping that Pashen heard his plea and was willing to give him another chance. Lattimore had promised to make sure she watched his weather segment, so he was sure she had seen it. Now, it was just a matter of her wanting him as much as he wanted her.

As he approached the door to PJ’s place, the door flung open, and his woman stood there looking at him with love in her eyes. She ran to him, and he caught her body as she flung herself into his arms. He was so fucking happy to hold her again. Max kissed her with everything in him.

“I love you Max Shine.”

“I love you too, baby.”

PJ guided him to her bedroom where she pushed him down on the bed and straddled him. Max loved the feel of her body on his. They made out like lovesick teenagers for over an hour before he got up to take a shower.

“I’ve been moving and driving all day. Do you mind if I take a shower?”

“Of course not. You know where everything is. I’ll go get you something to eat. I am sure you’re starving. Besides, with what I have planned for you, you’ll need all the sustenance you can get.”

Tags: L. Loren Erotic