Page 137 of Reese

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“Good. That’s good.”

I glance around at my guys, all but Law, who looks ready to commit murder, are bloody and bruised but alive. We did it. We fucking did it.

“I love you guys.” I whisper, but I know they heard me when all heads turn my way.

And that’s right around the time I pass out.

* * *

I wake up with the mother of all headaches and the smell of antiseptic in the air. I blink my eyes open, wincing when the light blinds me.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”

I turn at the sound of Graves’s voice and find him sitting beside me with his hand in mine.

“Where is everyone?” I ask, my voice sounding choked.

“Law will be back soon,” he says.

I frown, but he carries on talking.

“Vega has gone to get stitches, and Blink—”

My eyes widen when I remember.

“Oh my God. Blink. Tell me he’s okay.” I sit up, ignoring the pain as Graves settles his hands on my shoulders.

“Calm the fuck down before you hurt yourself. Blink is out of surgery and in the room next door. He’s gonna be fine.”

“Take me to him.”


“Either you take me to him, Graves, or so help me, I’ll drag myself across the fucking floor to get there.”

He growls at me before carefully lifting me in his arms.

“You’re a pain in my ass. You lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. Can you please, for the sake of my motherfucking sanity, just take it easy?”

“I promise once I see Blink, I’ll be good. But I have to see him. The last thing I remember is watching him struggling to lift his fucking head while covered in blood.”

He carries me into Blink’s room and walks me over to his bed.

The blankets are a stark white against this dark skin, skin that’s still smeared with blood.

I watch his chest rise and fall, tears of relief coursing down my face as he opens his eyes and smiles.


I answer him with a sob. “Hey.”

“Come here.”

Graves lowers me gently onto the bed beside him, where I bury my face against his chest and cry.

“I thought I was going to lose you,” I whisper.


Tags: Candice Wright Erotic