Page 122 of Reese

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Titus is sitting up on a large bed, his pale face turning to look at us as we enter. The room is filled with monitors, allowing him to see around his property. A quick scan and I’m relieved to see there is no footage of the room my guys are in. The last thing I want is for us to be spied on, especially given what we’ve been up to. And I don’t just mean in the bedroom.

“Ah, yes. My, I must say you are both far prettier than I expected.”

Deity and I look at each other briefly before turning back to Titus without saying a word.

“Yes, this will work out perfectly. Philip, you may leave.”

Philip hesitates for a minute before leaving and closing the door quietly behind him.

“You both have a team of five, correct?”

We nod.

“Here is your task. You can have all five fighters and first choice of weapons if you perform a task for me. If you fail, only four fighters may enter the arena.”

Prick. Well, fuck him and the horse he rode in on because four is all I need.

“What do we have to do?” Deity asks, her accent thick in her voice.


She freezes, her eyes flashing to mine before going back to Titus. “I am married,” she tells him.

He waves her off impatiently. “I’m not going to fuck you. I’m going to watch you fuck each other.”

“Pass. I’ll take the penalty and fight with a team of four,” I tell him, my voice hard and unyielding.

His eyes flash to mine before dropping to Deity. “Looks like you’ll fuck nobody but your own fingers. What say you? For the best weapons, and your extra man, and a secret weapon, all you have to do is touch yourself.”

She bites her lip, and I know she isn’t going to take the forfeit, or she already would have. In fairness, if I wasn’t involved with the men downstairs, I would have done it for the advantage. But I won’t do it out of respect for them. That, and I don’t trust this guy as far as I can throw him, regardless of whether he is bedridden or not.

She reaches up, decision made, and begins to pull her hoodie over her head.

“I’ll go sit back in the waiting room.”

“Stay,” he orders, his eyes flaring. This is not a request but an order.

“You don’t want to play, fine. But you will stay and support your fellow opponent. It’s the least you can do.”

Yep, definitely a prick.

I cock my eyebrow and cross my arms in defiance.

He grins, thinking he’s made me uncomfortable. But this man has no clue that one of my best friends is a porn star. I’ve seen more naked bodies twisted in more positions than I’d known existed. After a while, you become desensitized to it all.

I sit on the little window seat and keep my mouth shut as Titus turns his attention back to Deity. She now has her hoodie, pants, and sneakers off.

She keeps her movements functional, not sexy. There is no teasing or sensuality to her moves. This is strictly business, but Titus seems mesmerized by the act.

Once her bra is off and she is down to her panties, she hesitates, looking around the room for me. I can see the look in her eyes, a wariness tinged with determination. I have to give it to her—the woman has guts.

I stick my tongue out and see her lips twitch a second before Titus barks her name.

“Take them off and come sit on the end of the bed where I can reach you.”

There is a stutter to her step. If I hadn’t been watching, I would have missed it, but she does as he asks, dropping her panties and stepping out of them. She walks over to the bed with the grace of a panther.

She sits on the foot of the bed and leans back so that her side is to Titus and she is facing me.

Tags: Candice Wright Erotic