Page 101 of Reese

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“That’s why you were arguing with your dad in his office that day. But you knew then it belongs to me, not Hank, so why did you break in last night?”

“I didn’t. I told them the place wasn’t for sale, and even if it was, it wasn’t mine and never would be. I told them you owned it, and they went berserk. Trashed my house, looking for proof of what I was saying. I told them it had nothing to do with me, but they wouldn’t listen. A few days later, a man shows up where I work and threatens me, telling me he wants to see the deeds to the place. Again, I told him I didn’t have them.”

“But you told him where they could be found. You sent him to the gym. Told him about the safe and the key that was kept in the little ashtray you made for Hank. Only you didn’t know Hank had moved the key or that Hank was going to be there.”

He shakes his head when I release my grip on his hair.

“I thought my dad would be safe at home. I figured they would break in, get what they wanted, see I told them the truth, and then leave him alone.”

“And what? You thought they would magically forget you owed them money too? That’s not how it happens in the real world.”

“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know what to do!”

“You could have told someone. Instead, you left your father hanging out there, exposed,” I snap back as he snivels. I hand the dildo back to Sugar before I beat this motherfucker with it.

“At least if he has the proof the gym is yours, he’ll back off. Just means he’ll have to get his money from this guy another way,” Sugar points out.

“Except the deeds were still in the safe because he couldn’t get in. The only thing missing was—”

I whip my head back around to face Mike before pulling my cell phone out of my bra and opening the contacts.

“You took your fathers last will and testament the day you were arguing in his office. In fact, I bet the argument was a just a cover story, a reason for you to be there.”

“You must have been upset when you realized the gym wasn’t being left to you,” Sugar sighs, but I shake my head.

“No that’s not it. He doesn’t want the gym. He never did. He wanted the will to prove that the gym wasn’t ever going to be his.”

“I’m not following.” Sugar looks between Mike and me.

“Does Hank have a life insurance policy?”

Mike frowns and nods.

“Forget the gym for a second. Who is the beneficiary of Hank’s estate and life insurance if he dies?”

Mike’s face bleaches white, that is until I punch him in the nose and coat it in red. He’s crying again when I climb off his lap, I hit the dial button and wait for the call to connect.

“Hey, babe. He’s fine. He’s sleeping right now. He—”

“Don’t let him out of your sight for even a second Law. I’m on my way.”

“What’s going on?” Law growls.

“I’ll call the others to meet us there, so I only have to explain once. I’ll see you soon.”

I hang up and turn to Sugar.

“Find out who he owes and get me everything you can on the asshole. I’ll be at the hospital.”

“What do you want me to do with him when I’m done?”

“Right now, Sugar, I don’t give a fuck if you set him on fire and get high off his fumes.”

I spin on my heel and leave before I kill him with my bare hands.

Tags: Candice Wright Erotic