Page 75 of Peaks of Color

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Law is looking at the set again and finally taking in the models he was so eager to come into town to observe and he begins to register that I got him. I got him good. “Why are there only men in sweatpants, shirtless, on your set?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ev, come on!?” Michael and Henry just start laughing now. “Why are there a dozen TikTok thirst traps laying all over the place half-naked? This isn’t what you promised!”

“It absolutely is. I said I had a big shoot with models wearing comfy lingerie. Everybody knows the sexiest lingerie on a shirtless, well-cut man is low-slung sweatpants.”

He plucks his jacket from the chair behind him and stands up. “Fine. You got me. I am going back to your apartment, and I’m going to make Bloody Marys because I’m not sitting here watching dudes, who are making me rethink my gym routine, by the way, without drinking something stronger than Starbucks.

The four of us erupt in laughter. God, I miss spending time with them. I think that’s why we all were on board for so long with living together. We had too much fun together to let life and being busy be the reason we didn’t share little moments. It’s the first time I realize that part of our lives is over. Even though my time in New York isn’t permanent, when it’s time to be back in Strutt’s Peak, I’ll need my own space.


The photoshoot ended up being exactly what I was hoping for, chaotic success. Aside from being a photoshoot to show off next season's styles, it was a jackpot marketing opportunity. Most of the “models'' we hired were brought in for two reasons; they could wear the hell out of my men’s line-up, and they each had no less than a quarter of a million followers on their social media platforms. With a limited run of the apparel they were wearing, it is exclusively available through Riggs Outdoors’ new website. As an exclusive, today only push, we managed to bump traffic to the Rigg’s website, and I took a full percentage of profit from the sell-out. It was a win-win for everyone and a perfect case study as we roll into buyer meetings over the next few months.

“You’re moving out?” Michael practically slurs at me. After our fair share of drinks during dinner and now on our third or fourth round of Old Fashioneds at our secret bar, we’re all half in the bag.

“I’m just ready to have my own place. And I love you guys, but I don’t want to run into any more women in the hallway after one-night stands, okay? I can’t even believe I put up with it as long as I have.” They look at each other as if I’m missing something. “What?!”

Henry looks up from his drink. I can tell he wants to say something, but instead, he just shakes his head and says, “It’s a smart move, Ev. I’ll miss having you around like that, but I get it.”

Law squints his eyes at the bartender from where we sit. “Are you fucking kidding me!”

We all turn our attention to where he’s looking.

“Aperol?! It’s fucking Aperol that he uses in the Old Fashioneds!” His eyebrows are up so high on his head, they practically meet his hairline. His face is a mix of excitement and total anger. “You knew!” He pointed at me.

I’ve known for a long time what the secret ingredient was, but I couldn’t tell him. It was too easy. And if I’m being honest, all these years of him trying to figure it out have been hilarious and appreciated. Some of his concoctions have been even better, in my opinion, but I will also never tell him that. I’d never hear the end of it.

“Everly, you knew this whole damn time, and you didn’t tell me. It’s been a decade of trying to figure this out, and you knew! I feel bamboozled. Who are you even?”

Henry, Michael, and I just laugh uncontrollably. Law joins in, and it might be the most I’ve laughed with them in years. It’s the most fun I’ve had since I’ve been here. I haven’t thought of Jack once.Damn it!

Tags: Victoria Wilder Romance