Page 58 of Peaks of Color

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The smellof snow and burning wood surround us as glasses clink and break the spell that I’ve just floated under. My attention pulls back to the room, and I smile as I watch my father take the stage and welcome everyone who came to celebrate with our town. From locals to tourists and important families from across the county, all eyes are on the man that makes this town feel like something extra special.

The mayor flips the switch, and everyone erupts in a cheer as the town of Strutt’s Peak lights up like an actual Christmas tree. Running the entire perimeter of our office property and down the mountain to all the businesses that line Main Street, white lights surge, and some even twinkle. The band starts to play one of my favorite Christmas songs and it douses everyone into the holidays. Just like that. With the flip of a switch. It’s incredible. The kind of winter wonderland that sparkles and breathes life into a season that otherwise would feel cold and dark.

Within seconds, the magic I’m feeling comes to a nasty little screech and crash. The universe grabs me by the ankles, flips me over, and pile-drives it all into the ground. Three things happen at once and in what feels like slow motion. Less than five feet in front of me, Jack’s smiling face and carefree demeanor wash away. Jin Cormick cuts off Jack’s trajectory toward me with a smirk. I’m trying to understand why these two men are so affected by one another. The only thing that registers is they know I’ve slept with both of them. That much is clear.

Then, my father announces the upcoming auction. Giselle erupts with some kind of gasping hyena-like orgasm that half the room must have heard. Somewhere in all of that, Henry is holding up a remote control across the bar, which has now sent Giselle into an all-out rage that has her walking up to him and punching him right in the gut. He wasn’t expecting it because he folds over, and she storms off.

“Jin?...The fuck?” Jack growls as he steps around from Jin’s physical cock-block.

“Everly, please tell me you’re not sleeping with him,” Jin snarkily pleads in front of me, and my head rears back slightly at his bluntness. His tone is arrogant and not like the usual Jin I’m used to dealing with. I say nothing in response because aside from it being none of his business, I’m still working out why it would matter and how they know one another.

“Are you in town about Kat?” Jack asks, coming up beside me.

Jin shakes his head and smiles deviously. “I’m surprised she didn't tell you. I’ve been living here for a few years now. That’s how she found the coffee shop. I helped her get it off the ground.”

Connecting the dots, or at least trying to, I say, “I didn’t realize you knew Kathryn.” I piece together who he must have chased after from our meeting the other day. He yelled outKat, and then, I hadn't thought anything of it, but now maybe it makes more sense.

“My sister,” Jack answers.

Jin corrects, “Our. She’s our sister.” He looks at me. “Adoptive sister. And this…” Holding back whatever he was planning to say, he continues. “And it looks like you’re already acquainted with my brother.” Nodding down at our clasped hands, he lifts a brow. Somewhere in the uproar, I must have grabbed it. “Looks like you’ve moved on, Everly. But not up, unfortunately.”

Fuck my life.

Jack looks back and forth between Jin and me. He lets go of my hand when it registers what Jin just meant.

The tap of the microphone sounds around the tent, drawing everyone's attention to the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, please get your checkbooks ready for tonight's annual auction.” My father's voice bellows through the room, and Law comes up next to me. He must read the situation and instead of questioning, he pulls me from whatever fray is happening between the man I’ve been falling for and his apparent brother.

How has my boring life gone to this level of disorder in mere moments?

“Excuse me, gentlemen, I need to steal my sister away.” Law wraps his arm around my shoulders and redirects us toward the stage. He leans down once we’re out of earshot. “Whatever that was all about…it didn’t look good, Ev.”

I have no words to even respond to him.

“There’re the rest of them. Everly and Lawrence, get on up here,” my father beckons to us in a showman’s tone.

I have to shed whatever I was just feeling and put on my best, most confident, town-badass boss face as we walk up the stage stairs to kick off tonight's auction.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as most of you are aware, we like to turn this night into more than just lighting things up and ringing in the holidays. Last year, between the silent auction and this, we were able to do quite a lot.” He pulls up a card. “Last year, we fully funded the outdoor sports after-school and weekend program for any Strutt’s Peak resident between the ages of five and eighteen. There was enough left over to provide transportation to and from for anyone who needed it. And we outfitted Strutt’s Central High with new skiing and snowboarding gear for their outdoor activities programs.”

My father searches my face, realizing I’m not totally present with what’s happening up here, but he continues. “We also introduced a new equine therapy program led by my son, Michael, for children and adults at Strutt’s Learning Center. And while I’m more than happy to auction off my children”—he gets a nice laugh out of that one—“no, really, who’s going to finally take them off the market already?!”

Super funny, Dad.

“I’m a proud member of this community. Our pledge is always to do what is necessary so that the people in this town are thriving, happy, and feel cared for. With that being said, get your checkbooks out, and let's get this auction started.”

The room erupts in a round of applause, but my attention is pulled to the two men I just left. I watch as Jack and Jin bring their attention away from my father and back to one another as they continue their heated discussion.Please don't let anyone throw a punch right now.There’s more going on there than it being about me.

“You all know my beautiful children, Everly, Henry, Michael, and Lawrence. They’ve done incredible things with our business and continue to surprise me with their talents, in the most wonderful ways.” My eyes water as my father pauses and looks right at me. “I’d like to remind you that the winners will have twenty-four hours with whomever they’ve bid on. Additionally, I like to encourage you to know the areas of business my children are responsible for, their connections within the industries they are a part of, and to utilize your time, should you win it, wisely. This isn’t just about a date or the exclusive resort reservations that come along with it.”

The crowd laughs and a few shouts chime in, saying, “Whatever you say, Ash!”

Another person from the far side of the room hoots, “Law, you ready for me!?”

Law leans over with a wide, fake smile and through his teeth, he whispers, “Remind me why we say yes to this every year? I don’t have a good feeling this time.”

“First up is my beautiful daughter, Everly. As Vice President of Operations, she’s done incredible work at transforming Riggs Outdoor into what it is today. Working her way from the mailroom to the boardroom, my darling girl holds our family together, and can go toe-to-toe with the best of you all on the slopes.” A bit of a laughing murmur breaks out around the crowd. Almost every daredevil in this room has been on a run with me for a time or two.

Tags: Victoria Wilder Romance