Page 56 of Peaks of Color

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He thinks about it for a minute. “I kind of want to go hiking. Mind if I call Michael and see if he’s free?”

“Michael? You mean, Michael Riggs?”

“Yeah, he’s been working with me on the indoor wall, and during the last climb, he mentioned he’d be up for going out on trails sometime. The weather might not be ideal right now, but-”

I cut him off. “I wouldn’t mind, but Michael and most of the town are going to be at the tree lighting thing tonight. I know it’s not really what you had in mind, but I have to take some photos to finish up the job for them, and I promised Everly I would go. Want to help me out? Come with me?”

He nods. “Yeah. That’s good. I’d be down for that.”

“Listen, your mom is going to be okay. And whatever is going on with her, I’m here to help. You’re not alone in this. Got it?” I feel like I’m a hypocrite for even saying it, because I haven’t been there for her or him. They have been alone.

He just nods and tears start to fall down his face. He whispers out, “Got it,” as I wrap my arms around him. I don’t remember when it happened, when my favorite little person turned into a grown man, but I want nothing more than to shield him from all of this. The harsh realities that life can throw at us. I feel like a piece of shit for not seeing what was going on with Kathryn sooner. That I was too distracted with my bullshit not to see my nephew shouldering a burden he has no business taking on. It feels too familiar. A responsibility that he shouldn’t have had to take on. I feel like I’ve failed by allowing my history to repeat for my nephew.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. Text from an unknown number. As soon as I read it, I know exactly who it’s from. I don’t have time to deal with him today.

Unknown:Where’s Kat? She hasn’t answered me.

Jack:None of your fucking business.

Unknown:I’m serious. Where is she? She’s not answering her phone.

Jack:Fuck. Off.

Well, it sounds like my dick-douche of a brother doesn’t know where she is either.

Unknown: Real fucking mature. I’m worried about her.

Jack: Too late. Go fuck your hand, Jin.

Tags: Victoria Wilder Romance