Page 43 of Peaks of Color

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He’s got me there.

“All I’m saying is, think about it. If you’ve never thought about it, then now’s your time.” Jin shifts back and takes a sip of the Scotch neat sitting in front of him. It was meant for my father, and immediately I feel like a traitor for even entertaining this conversation for as long as I have. Smiling at me, Jin continues. “You’re an incredible woman, Everly. There’s so much more that you can be doing, and I think you’d be crazy not to even consider it.”

My eyes dart up to him. He knows what he just said may have pissed me off beyond repair. You never call a woman crazy, regardless of context,dumbass. Jin leans forward and grabs my hand.


“I shouldn't have phrased it like that, but I know you, and I know you’re fiercely loyal to your family. But, I recognize the difference between family and business. And what I’m talking about is business. Life-altering business, Everly.” He looks up and over my shoulder, then instantly drops my hand. “Shit!”

Pushing back out of his chair and standing, he moves toward the back corridor of the restaurant. Jin yells out to a woman who’s running away, “That’s not. Kat, wait!”

He turns back to me while he's still moving in the other direction. “Everly, I’m sorry I need to go. Please don’t be angry here and shut this down. Just think about it.” And before I can even respond, Jin is jogging out the back exit.

I have no idea what just happened. In so many ways. I’m pissed off, annoyed, and quite frankly, ready to rip someone a new asshole. How could my father, out of all people, be on board with this? I whip out my phone and send a text to him. I expect him to walk me through everything he discussed with Jin. Does he want me out of the company? Is he just ready to pass the torch along to one of my brothers instead? Dread hits my stomach, and I’m practically sprinting to the gondola to get back down to town. Damn mountainside restaurant.

Tags: Victoria Wilder Romance