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Six months later…

“It iswith great pleasure that I conclude this beautiful ceremony renewing marital vows,” says the minister. “You are bound as husband and wife today and forever. You may celebrate this joyous occasion with a kiss!”

I’m still smiling when Gio sweeps me into his arms and dips me, planting a deep kiss on my mouth. Our small audience erupts into cheers, popping champagne bottles and whistling. The moment couldn’t be more perfect—the sun setting along the glowing, orange horizon, the Mediterranean Sea sprawled out before us, and the soft sand beneath our feet.

We’ve kept our ceremony small and intimate for this reason. Just an occasion to celebrate our love with those who know us best.

“Hey, Boss, let her breathe!” Louis calls to laughs from the others.

I join them with a giggle as we finally separate, a breathless sense of happiness taking over me. Gio doesn’t let go all the way, his arm around my waist, his gaze shifting over to Louis and the rest of our small audience.

“Watch it,goombah. I’m not above decking you in the mouth for speaking so smart.”

More laughs flitter through the crowd at Gio’s joke. Only he could get away with disguising a threat in a joke and have others laugh. I grab his chin, turning his head to face me again, smirking as I drop a kiss on his lips.

“You promised no threats today, remember? Play nice.”

Gio squeezes me closer, his eyes sparking. “I’ve got some ideas of other things we can play. Later.”

He drags me toward the others as the rest of our festivities kick off. We’ve set up everything you’d need for a beachy marital ceremony. Decorative flowers and seashells surround the area, along with burning torches and rows of chairs for our guests. In the center is the manmade dance floor, lighting up as soon as we step onto it and share the first dance.

We sway along to the music, going at our own pace. All eyes are on us, but it doesn’t really matter. We’re already too wrapped up in each other to notice. By the second song, the others join us on the floor and the evening becomes more party than ceremony.

Nearby, Louis drags Tasha into a dance, and Carlotta claps along from the sidelines. A few of Gio’s other closest men, like Dominico and his wife, Silvia, do the same.

I smile up at Gio and he hikes a brow. “What’s that teasing smile for?”

“You and all your men dancing—even if it’s with their wives and girlfriends—will never not be cute,” I confess. “Such big, scary tough guys slow dancing to love songs.”

“Only for special occasions and only for the right woman.” He bends his head and captures my lips in another tender kiss.

The afterparty’s nowhere close to over and he already can’t keep his hands off me. I’m barely any better. An excited shiver courses through me every time he touches any part of my bare skin.

Today marks our brand-new start. Another chapter beginning the rest of our lives together. We’ve reaffirmed our marriage and commitment to each other in front of those who mean most to us. Things haven’t always been easy, but we’ve made it out to the other side. We’ve survived the dark to find the light.

By the end of the song, we’re kissing and cuddling more than dancing—something Louis points out as he cuts in. I reach up and wipe some of my lipstick from the corner of Gio’s mouth, and then allow myself to be carried away by our best man. Gio goes off to find Carlotta and pulls her into a dance. She protests at first and then throws her hands up in defeat and lets him.

Louis laughs. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Carlotta has some moves. Don’t let her age fool you. I hear she gets down.”

“Knowing Carlotta, that actually wouldn’t surprise me at all.”

“I’m happy for you two,” Louis says as we sway. The sentimental teddy bear gives a slow nod, looking borderline choked up. “You two really are gonna make it. I just know it. The way he looks at you.”

Louis’s gaze is on something beyond me. I chance a quick glance over my shoulder and my heart flutters. Gio’s dancing with Carlotta, but there’s no mistaking that though he’s enjoying himself, I’m on his mind. He’s sneaking a glance at me exactly as I’m sneaking one at him. The glint in his blue eyes is one he reserves for me only. It steals my breath away and makes me nervous even if it’s the thousandth time.

“See,” Louis teases. “Take it from a man. A guy doesn’t just look at anybody like that. As sad as it is things are changing from here on out, you two deserve it. You’ll both be better off this way. You can finally be together like you should be.”

I feel as emotional as he is, smiling up at him. One of my closest friends, one of my fiercest protectors through and through. “Thanks, Lou.”

“Don’t mention it, Mrs. Falynn. I’m gonna come visit when I’ve got the vacation time.”

A soft laugh leaves me. “You’re welcomed whenever you want. But what about you? What’s on the horizon?”

“Oh, you know. This and that,” Louis answers vaguely, shrugging. “I’ll be doing what I do best—crushing skulls and making little bitches piss themselves.”

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic