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I know that more than ever as we make love.

Gio switches our position with deft ease. He rolls onto his back and lifts me up over him. I gladly trap him between my thighs, and in an impressive collaborative effort, we slide his cock back into my slick, waiting pussy. I sink with a moan and shudder, squeezing his hot and thick cock as best I can.

I plant my hands on his chest and begin rocking my hips. My body’s a sizzling live wire of growing pleasure. It zings through me, starting from my pussy, and coursing through the rest of me. I lose all inhibition and arch my back, head tilted toward the ceiling. I gyrate my hips, rocking harder, taking him in full.

Gio helps guide me. One large hand encircles my hips, and he slams me down on his fat cock. His other grabs the back of my neck and wrenches my mouth to his. His fingers find their way into my hair and he unwinds my topknot.

My wild curls unfurl, cascading to freedom about my shoulders. He plays with them, twining ringlets around his fingers, as he holds me in place and his cock hits new depths. The fat tip presses into my G-spot ’til an orgasm sweeps in and seizes me.

My mouth falls open and I can no longer move.

Hot pleasure sears through me, breaking me out in a feverish dew. I tuck my face deep into the crook of Gio’s neck as tremors rock my body right down to my pinky toes. He lifts me up only to ram me back down. My wet and swollen pussy envelops his cock, still tingling with aftershocks of my orgasm.

So close to his own release, he slams me harder, his hips bucking up to meet mine. I’m so delirious, dizzied by my pleasure, it doesn’t even register he’s coming ’til I feel the warmth of his seed flooding me. Our bodies rock against each other before eventually tapering off in a breathless, sweaty finish.

He lays us back on the mountain of pillows with no consideration for the mess we’ve made. Our sheets are wrinkled, and the room smells of sex, but as we nestle close, it’s an environment I’d die a happy woman in.

Just like this. Just us.

I rest my head on his chest, my body boneless. My lids fall halfway, a satisfied sigh rolling out of me. Gio holds me close, his arm slung over my hip. His fingers still play in my curls, tender strokes that elicit tingles across my scalp and down my spine.

It’s nothing but content silence for minutes, and then…

“I meant what I said earlier,” he says, speaking with more clarity post-nut. “The deal’s off. I can’t let you go, Falynn.”

“We can talk about dating. Maybe… maybe…” I trail off before the ‘r’ word makes an appearance. Gio’s been clear about not doing relationships.

His muscly arm only tightens around me. “No dating,” he says in his calm yet commanding voice. “I don’t need to date you to know I want you.”

“Are you saying you want to be together… for real?”

Please say that’s what you’re saying. Please.

He pauses long enough for my hope to fall. But I learn a second later what he’s really doing is collecting his thoughts.

“You asked about my mother before. Weeks ago. Do you remember?”

I do. We’d been lying in bed just like this, trading silly stories about our childhoods. I’d told him about my braces and he’d told me about his brief stint in a school play. He’d asked me about my family, but when I’d asked about his—his mother—he’d shut down. He’d gone into cold, callous Mafia boss mode.

“You don’t have to tell me about her if you don’t want.”

“No. It’s time. I want to share it with you.” His breath rumbles from his lungs as he inhales then exhales, the rest of his body feeling harder and more like flesh-covered steel than ever. “When my brother Giancarlo and I were boys, our parents’ relationship was a complicated one. My father was many years older than my mother. He never loved her. She probably never loved him either. But she loved us.

“That I knew. Even at a young age, growing up in the lifestyle we did. She was the only bright spot I remember—always so warm, so affectionate. She had a great sense of humor. My father never appreciated her. He made it known it was a marriage of convenience. Just something transactional. She gave him heirs. He gave her expensive jewelry and an enormous mansion. And when she died, it was of no importance to him.”

A concerned frown twists onto my face as I tip my head up for a glance at him. His expression is unreadable, but his eyes tell a different story. They’re a dark and stormy blue, pained.

“He didn’t let us grieve her for long. He wiped our home of all traces of her. Their transaction was over. She’d served her purpose. I didn’t understand this,” he explains with another heavy breath. “I didn’t understand how he could be so cruel, but soon I would. He taught Giancarlo, and me, to be coldhearted bastards just like him. Told us love, feelings are a weakness for men like us. Kings don’t have hearts. It’s how they’re able to rule.”

I ache for him. Even the strain in his voice stirs emotion inside of me. Deep empathy that pricks my eyes and makes me want to cry for the boy he once was.

“Giancarlo and I were home when it happened… when she was murdered. But we weren’t allowed to express anything about it. We learned to forget it, and her. I’ve become the man my father molded me to be, which is a man who loves nothing but the power I hold. I’ve succeeded for many years. Then I met you.”

My heart stills in my chest as suddenly the silence between his words feels poignant. Intuition whispers inside me, telling me where this is going, but disbelief won’t let me truly absorb what he’s saying.

“I told myself I’d have you only for a night, then it was a few weeks. Now I can’t lie anymore. What can I say? I’ve fallen in love with you, my sweet honey Falynn.”

A short, giddy laugh escapes me before I tilt my head and kiss his bearded jawline and then his neck, pressing my face into it and inhaling his warm, intoxicating masculine scent. It symbolizes safety and security for me, and most of all—

“Gio… I love you too,” I whisper. “I just want to be with you… for real.”

“You will be, Honey. You’ll be at my side.” His hand sweeps up my naked spine and makes me shiver. He pulls me up and captures my lips in a tender kiss, his fingers deep in my curls.

My smile happens organically even as we kiss. It’s beyond my control as it finally sinks in. I have what I’ve always dreamed of. Security. Safety. A man who loves me, flaws and all. One who would scorch the earth if need be for me.

And I him.

So this is happiness.

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic