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I slide my hand down the front of my panties. I’m so sensitive, so eager for human touch, as soon as the tips of my fingers graze my folds, I’m flushed. Heat burns across my skin like it’s Gio’s touch, and I close my eyes to pretend it is. My lips part into a tiny O as I continue, pressing my fingers on the little nub hidden underneath my hood.

A ping of instant pleasure pulses through me. Gio loved teasing me like this, rubbing my clit with the pad of his thumb. He’d stick two of his thick fingers inside me and pump them in and out, alternating in rhythm. As I try to mimic his touch, I clench my eyes shut and a soft moan falls from my lips.


But no one answers me. The touch is my own. The orgasm I’m working toward eludes me. My hand stills on my pussy, and I open my eyes to the dark ceiling.

For a second, it felt so real. But it was only my imagination. Just like last time.

I think I’m going insane.

Club Diamond is similar to the Dollhouse in terms of clientele. It’s one of the ritzier gentleman’s clubs in the South Beach area. Most of our customers have plenty of cash to blow, which is good news for the girls dancing.

The first night I started at the Dollhouse, I met Tasha, and we became fast friends. I’ve been at Club Diamond for almost a month now and haven’t had nearly as much luck. The girls are cattier, less friendly. I’m the new girl and I’m damn good at what I do, so I get it. Stiffer competition, fewer tips to go around.

But I’ll be damned if I let them intimidate me. As I sit in front of the vanity mirror and prep for tonight’s performance, I catch the dirty glare a girl named Kylie gives me. I smirk in response, vaguely reminded of Skye at the Dollhouse. I wonder how Skye’s doing anyway, and if her attitude is still as stank as ever.

I finish with my lipstick and move on to my wig. I’ve already gathered my curls under a wig cap. Tonight I’m wearing a long blue-black one with layered waves. The dark shade against my golden complexion makes it pop that much more. New life. New job. New wig?

The smirk on my face spreads as I hear the stage manager call my name. I’m up next. The finishing touch is my heels, which are always a confidence booster. I strut toward the stage as my name is announced through the club.

The men in the audience whistle and cheer. Though shadows fill the club, the special bulbs on stage cast a sparkle-like effect, using some technology designed to mimic diamonds.

As the bass-heavy beat starts up, I grip the pole and twirl around in a basic spin. I’m wearing a nude-colored bra and thong set with jewels sewn into the fabric. It’s an illusion I’m already nude, covered in diamonds, before my set even begins.

The beat drops and so do I, falling into a wide middle split. I bounce up and down, isolating cheek movement in my ass. It’s a basic stripper move, but it always drives the guys insane. Already bills are being tossed onto the stage. In a fluid motion, I swoop my legs together and push myself up, bottom first.

Hand on the pole, I do a few more spins, and then the real tricks begin. I climb up the pole in another quick motion, flipping upside down with my legs spread. Another sharp whip of my body, and I’m right side up. I arc my knee around the pole, my other leg pointed straight downward, and let my hands go. My body flows around the cool metal pole as fluidly as any liquid.

It’s as I slip into my next trick that I spare a fleeting glance at the audience. The club is too dark to make out much except for the number of men filling seats, but the section in the center is what grabs my attention. It’s Club Diamond’s VIP section, where the highest of high rollers sit.

Déjà vu pours over me as slow and warm as the honey I’m nicknamed after.

I’d recognize him anywhere. Even in the darkest room. Even whenblind.

Giovanni and his crew are seated in the VIP section. In the center seat, right in the middle like the night I first laid eyes on him, is Gio. With the shadows engulfing the club and cigar smoke hazing the air, his face is obscured, but Iknowit’s him. The way he reclines into the leather cushion, his arm relaxed along the back. One leg crossed over his knee. One hand loosely holding a glass of what’s probably whiskey. He’s strong and broad, taking up as much space as possible with no consideration to anyone else.

The most powerful man in the room. In the world.My world.

If I was giving a hundred percent before, I’m giving a thousand now. Desire pulses through my body, taking control of my performance. I hold on to the pole and whip my hair fast to more whistles and catcalls. My hips undulate in rhythm with the dark beat, heavy-lidded gaze set on the audience.

The gentlemen seated don’t know who it’s for. I can be staring at any one of them. In reality, there’s only one man who has my attention. He’s the only one I’m dancing for. The only man I crave.

I curl my body along the pole in a flawless figure eight, head tilted so that my hair swings along my back. I don’t need a mirror to know the look on my face is pure sex. The guys in the audience all have their eyes unblinkingly on me, on the edge of their seats. Probably hard as hell.

Gio must sense it too. His thick fingers clench around his glass of whiskey. He’sjealous.

Something about that spurs me on. I dance harder. My body isn’t my own as I gyrate and work the stage. Never once do I take my eyes off the man who owns my heart and every other part of me.

There’ll be hell to pay tonight, and I can’t wait. Because, at this point, any piece of Gio feels like a win.

The music ends and men shower me with more cash. I’m barely paying attention as I sneak another look at the VIP section, the lights as low and the cigar smoke as thick as ever. Part of me wants to jump off the stage and run into his arms.

I resist by the skin of my teeth, strutting off the stage with adrenaline still hot like fire in my veins.

“I made two g’s up there just now,” Kylie announces in a singsong voice. She breezes into the dressing room and then stops short. Her stink eye is back. “Who’s that from?”

I look up from the two dozen roses on my dressing table. I’ve been sitting here for the last five minutes in awe. I should’ve known to expect something extravagant from Gio, but the roses surprise me anyway.

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic