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He reaches his breaking point in a flood of hot cum. It fills me up as he buries himself deep. We don’t move for a long time, lost in the aftermath of what can only be described as an angry fuck. Finally, he lifts himself off me, and I breathe for what feels like the first time in a half hour. I reach for him, but he doesn’t touch me. He doesn’t evenlookat me. He slides off the bed and walks butt naked to the bathroom. The light blinks on and the door slams shut.

I lie back and stare up at the ceiling, knowing now more than ever what I have to do.

Gio suffers from insomnia. It’s one of the first things I learned about him. Another thing I’ve learned about him over the last month is that if there’s one way to put him to sleep, it’s sex before bed. It knocks him out better than any nighttime medication.

As he sleeps soundly, I lie awake caught up in my thoughts. The room is pitch-black and silent except for the soft hum of his breathing. It’s after 3 a.m., and I’ve been working up the nerve to do what I have to do for over an hour. I have to go now. Before it gets light out. If I wait ’til dawn, it’ll only be that much harder.

Robby’s instructions were clear.

I glance to my side where he’s lying. Gio sleeps on his back. Most nights, he drapes an arm around me, preferring for our bodies to be touching. Tonight, after we fucked, was the last time he touched me. His king-size bed is large enough for the two of us to lie on opposite sides and not even come close to each other.

A shudder racks through my body. I don’t want to do what I’m about to do, but what other choice do I have? The more I mull over my talk with Robby, the more the pieces of the puzzle fit. Gio was angry with me tonight because he’s learned about my alleged betrayal. It doesn’t matter that I haven’t given Enzo any info on him, in the Mafia any suspicion is bad suspicion. I’ll never be trusted again.

Even if Gio takes up for me, if he defends me, I’m screwing him over too. Not only has he become more reckless since we’ve been involved, he’s willing to fight his own family for me. The same family that’s willing to stop at nothing to keep power—including hurt me, and probably Gio too if it came to it.

He’s already escalated the rivalry between the Sorrentinos and Lovatos. His father is already unhappy with him. Now Claro, second in command who’s freshly out of jail, is too. Lovato has vowed to stop at nothing for claim over Vegas. The whole situation is a fucked-up mess.

AndI’vecaused most of it.

I have to go. Now.

I check Gio’s still sound asleep before I slip out from under the sheets. I tiptoe across the large, shadowy room and pause at the door for another glance at him. One last goodbye look. It’s too dark to see his features, but my heart aches at the thought this is the last time I’ll ever see him. The only man I’ve ever truly seen myself with. The only one I hoped would really last. The one I’ve come to love.

The most difficult second comes when I turn away. I twist the doorknob and slink out of the room. If everything Robby says is true, I’ll have a plane ticket and cash waiting for me. Gio will hopefully move on, and maybe I will too.

As I escape his home, my broken heart pounds, but with each beat, it tells me I’m doing the right thing. This is for the best.

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic