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Robby’s probably going for a third eye roll, but I don’t give a fuck. He can kiss my apple-bottom ass.

“I’m back now, aren’t I? We’ll have breakfast on the terrace.” Gio holds my hand as we move into the living room.

I was so excited to see him, I didn’t register C.J. and Louis are with him. I smile at both, noting the sling Louis’s arm is in.

“Does it hurt?”

He shrugs. “I’ve had worse. You try getting shot in the ankle and get back to me.”

“I’m glad you’re okay, Lou.”

“It’s appreciated, Miss Falynn.”

When it’s just me and Gio on the terrace, seated at a table with our breakfast, Gio teases me about the nickname.

“Lou? Since when are you giving my guys nicknames?”

I pick up a croissant and give a mysterious shrug. “Lou and I are cool. He says I—”

“Remind him of his kid sister, Nikki. So he’s told me. I’m glad you two get along.” Gio shoots me one of those subtle smirks of his, where his eyes do more of the talking than his lips ever do. The good-humored gleam in them paired with the cocked brow. Like everything else he does, it’s unbelievably sexy, and takes my mind to X-rated places.

“You know who I don’t get along with is—”

“Something tells me you’re going to say Robby.”

“Why’d you leave me with him? He’s such an—”

“Asshole,” Gio answers again for me.

“Are we playing Mad Libs and you didn’t tell me?”

Gio chuckles. “I know you better than you think, Falynn. And you’re right. Robby is an asshole. It’s part of what makes him a good asset to our family. None of us are nice guys—not evenLou.”

“But at least Lou and the others have manners. Robby…he gives me the stink eye any time he looks at me.”

“All right, all right. I’ll talk to him. Better?”

My smile from earlier returns, bright and grateful. I’m aware how it makes Gio soften up like no one else has the ability to do.

He drinks from his mimosa eyeing me like I’m a rare gem. “After breakfast, get dressed. Something nice but a little more conservative. Uncle Claro’s welcome home party’s going to be a long one.”

Uncle Claro, his wife, Julianna, and their two teenage kids live in a mansion rivaling Gio’s. Maybe bigger. It’s a lot less about clean lines and polished vibes than it is about flexing their money. The home is adorned with gaudy gold accents and heavy furniture that looks right out of the ’70s. But Claro and Julianna aren’t exactly stylish themselves.

Claro welcomes us into his home in a velour tracksuit a size too small, smelling of a spicy cologne that probably cost an arm and a leg, but is repugnant just the same. Julianna is at his side wearing heavy gold jewelry on every part of the body possible. They both give us hugs and double kisses on the cheeks.

“You’re some of the first ones here!” Claro exclaims in a loud, abrasive voice. He’s balding and wrought with wrinkles, but his smile never leaves his face. He throws an arm around Gio, though he’s about a head shorter, and walks at his nephew’s side. “Nephew, every time I see you, you get more and more shredded. Whoever told you you need to look like some MMA fighter in our line of work?”

Unsure of where to go, I start to drift after them, but Julianna cuts in. She touches my arm and says, “Honey, it’s so interesting to have you. Giovannineverbrings women to meet the family.”

My laugh’s a nervous one. “Oh, really? I guess it’s true what they say—there’s a first time for everything.”

“Well, we’ve always known he has a thing for the caramel kinda look. But I never thought he’d bring one home,” she says with a smile that’s meant to be friendly. It feels a lot less harmless and a lot more ignorant. As she walks with me to the kitchen—another room decorated with heavy wood and gold finishing—she adds on a compliment. “You’re a gorgeous girl, of course. I see why he’s gaga over you.”

By the time Julianna launches into talk about how happy she is to have Claro home, I’ve tuned out. I don’t have patience for Julianna’s casual racism, and I’d prefer to stick with Gio for this family outing. My opening for an escape comes when more family arrives.

Cousins Alonzo and Marco show up with their wives and kids in tow. Julianna’s distracted with greeting them, so I escape down the hall I’m hoping leads to a bathroom. I need to freshen up, ensure my flat-ironed hair has no flyaways, and check for any stains on my simple white dinner dress (Julianna forced some wine on me). After that I’ll find Gio.

But I come across him a lot sooner than I expect, within footsteps down the hall. The door to what appears to be a den is cracked open. Gio’s in there with Claro. I slow up enough to catch a couple words exchanged.

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic