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“Get your hands off me!”I scream at the top of my lungs. I’m still in my show outfit, half-naked as this André the Giant of an asshole holds me tight. The indignity of it pisses me off more. I bend my knee and jerk my foot back, hitting him right in his dick and balls. He howls in pain and lets me go immediately.

As I scramble free, the door slams shut. Mr. Rich Motherfucker stands before me. No more cigar smoke. No more shadows. In plain view, we’re facing each other for the first time.

My earlier assessment is spot-on.

He’s exceptionally built, so ripped that his muscles are defined even under the material of his suit. He pins me right away with the shock of his blue eyes. Never blinking, they don’t stray from me as he stares in unnerving silence.

I take a hesitant step back, the severity of the situation weighing on me.

Oh,crap. Crap, crap, crap!

I’m a witness to a crime. Not just any crime—murder!

I saw it with my own two eyes. Some of the men with Mr. Rich Motherfucker hauled Jerry’s dead body rolled up in a carpet out his office and down the hall.

Whyhad I decided to come up to Jerry’s office to see about his important message for me? Why couldn’t I stay down in VIP room five with the stack I’d made from the lap dance?

“L-let me go,” I stutter.

“No,” he says simply.

“I…I didn’t see anything.” I take a step back.

He takes one toward me. “Louis, give us a second.”

The André the Giant wannabe gives me a disgruntled look before he plods off out the room, mitten hands cupping his groin. The door snaps shut behind him. We’re now alone, but I’m not fooled for one second; his men are probably outside guarding the door—the ones who aren’t preoccupieddisposing of a bodyanyway.

“Really, I didn’t see anything. I don’t know what happened. I don’t want to know.” I take another step backward.

Him another one forward. His presence is intimidating, even as he stands before me as calm and composed as humanly possible. I can’t take my eyes off him. It’s like he’s put me under some type of spell, like I can’t look away without his permission.

He takes yet another step toward me. He’s close enough to touch me now. If I thought I couldn’t breathe before, his scent now permeates the air around me. A strong trace of warm cognac and rich leather invades my senses and makes it difficult to think.

I don’t notice I’m holding my breath, that I’mshaking’til he mentions it.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he says into the silence of the room. “I’m not going to hurt you…unless you want me to.”

The corner of his lip lifts in the faintest smirk. Before I can process what he’s said, he reaches out and runs his fingers along the curve of my cheek. His thumb caresses my bottom lip. He doesn’t seem to care that he smudges my lipstick.

No, he’s too busy studying me. The intensity with which he stares at me is possibly even more terrifying than the murder itself. This tall, muscular man standing in front of me, with his electric blue gaze, fine suit, and dark scruff, is like the monster in every storybook.

He’s the beast. I’m the beauty…he’s about to destroy.

I’m holding my breath as a pulse comes alive, not in my veins, but between my thighs. Somewhere deep inside me, the fear manifests into something else. Curious desire to know just what’s on the other side of fear, what this beast is capable of.


Logic pushes to the front of my brain, reminding me I already know. He’s a murderer. He’s a cold-blooded murderer who’s likely about to murder me too.

“Can I go?” I whisper.

If possible, the blue in his eyes deepens into sapphire. He lets the smirk he’d fought seconds ago spread along his lips, and he shakes his head no.

“I’ve hired your services for the night,” he says. “Have you forgotten?”

“Oh, that. Actually, you can have the stack back. I stuffed it in the sofa cushions downstairs. Let me go get that—”

His large hand snaps shut around my upper arm, holding me in place. It takes no effort for him, no exertion whatsoever as I tug and pull to try to free myself. His eyes still haven’t left me, but neither has the smirk vanished from his steel-cut face.

“We’ve already established a transaction, Falynn.” He speaks my name like it’s poetry, like it’s the most beautiful word he’s ever heard. His fingers glide down my bare arm and then grab a hold of my hand. He pulls me into him so fast, I’m dizzy, pressed up against his chest, feeling a lot like I’ve collided with a brick wall. He bends his head, his lips grazing my ear. “I’m afraid I can’t let you go free just yet. Not ’til you’ve satisfied your end of the bargain.”

I’m speechless as his teeth nip at my earlobe and his scent continues wreaking havoc on my ability to think. But I know one thing for sure, even through the haze of fear and seduction that is the rich motherfucker taking me captive:

I’m screwed.

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic