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He comes over and kisses me again, this time more passionately. His hand slides over my cheek. “Go out today. Wherever you want. Take yourself shopping if it makes you happy. Louis will escort you.”

“I think I’m all shopped out after our little high roller spree the other day. I wish it were possible to…” I trail off with a hesitant sigh.

“What is it? Possible to what?”

“Imissmy friends, Gio. My friend Tasha—”

“The one from the Dollhouse with the fake ass?” he asks in mild amusement.

I choke out a surprised laugh. “Is it that obviously a BBL? I’ll have you know she paid thousands for it in the DR!”

“Didn’t say it was bad work—just that it was undeniable.” He pauses to think a second, fastening his luxury watch. “If it will make you feel better to see Tasha, see her. Go out to lunch. But Louis still comes along. And if you say a word to her about—”

“I know, I know. You don’t have to worry. I won’t utter a word about anything that’s gone on,” I tell him, rising onto my knees. My hands glide up his massive chest now finely adorned in a crisp designer dress shirt, and I smirk at him. “One thing you don’t realize, Gio, is that I’m no snitch. Enzo stayed involved in some foolishness. Never once have I said a word.”

He nods slowly, my words enough to reassure him. He gives me a goodbye peck that feels nice and leaves a pleasant tingle on my lips. “I’ll make it up to you. All this time cooped up in this room. You’re coming with me to my uncle’s homecoming celebration. We’ll have some off time then.”

There’s something endearingly tender about the promise. It makes my heart flutter, but I don’t dare think about why. But even vaguely, somewhere in the back of my mind, it occurs to me that Giovanni Sorrentino, while a cold, calculated, ruthless Mafia boss, is also kinda…sweet? Caring? Thoughtful? When hewantsto be.

The door thuds shut after him. I fall back against the pillows and sigh dreamily. The more time I spend with Gio, immersed in his world and all things him, the more I can’t help thinking a girl could get used to this lifestyle after all.

Louis drives me to Mastro’s Ocean Club, where I’m meeting Tasha for lunch. Like with everything else as of late, it’s on Gio’s dime. Though she doesn’t know that. When calling her up to invite her out, I only mentioned it was my treat. No details on who was really footing the bill at such a pricey spot.

It’s the first thing she asks once the maître d’ seats us. “Girl, you must’ve bagged yourself a sugar daddy.”

“It’s definitely been an…interestingfew days.”

I pause, glancing at the portly gentleman in black seated at the table next to us. Louis is studying the menu, but for as engrossed as he appears in the day’s fish selections, make no mistake he’s listening to every word spoken.

I’m not stupid enough to tell Tasha the full details of what’s going on. I don’t evenwantto. What’s going on between me and Gio is for us only. Everything from the deal we made, to the secrets I’m keeping for him. None of it is anyone’s business except ours.

Last night when he came out of nowhere and shoved that greasy sleazeball propositioning me against the wall, thrill pulsated in my veins. There was something unspeakably, erotically powerful about watching a man as cool and composed as Gio flip his shit over you. My panties were drenched the second he proved in a room full of people I’m not just his, I’m so valuable he’ll fuck somebody’s world up for me.

The moment he parked in the dark canyon after minutes of whipping down desert roads, I pounced on him. Welcomed that fat dick into me like I had been imagining, agonizing for, for days. Even if sometimes I hadn’t let myself admit it. I’d wanted to fuck Gio from the first second I laid eyes on him among the blue neon lights at the Dollhouse.

I’ve never been this reckless. I’ve never been this checked out of reality. Because when I’m with Gio, it’s another world altogether—a sinful, darker world that beckons me like a moth to a flame. I don’t begin trying to understand what the fuck has come over me, but the Falynn Carter I was a week ago isn’t who I am today.

We order our meals and sit back with rum and pineapple cocktails. We’re seated outside in the September sunshine, misters keeping it cool and pleasant enough.

“So?” Tasha asks when I say nothing.

“So what?”

“So you’re not gonna tell me what the fuck’s been up with you? Girl, you’ve dropped off the grid for how many days now? You know your shit’s still at the Dollhouse? Amaryllis was saying you up and quit.”

“I’m…I’m taking a break,” I say mysteriously. I sip more from my cocktail. The sweetness from the pineapple and rum blend is perfect for a day like this. “I’m not sure when I’ll be back, Tash. If ever.”

One of her perfectly penciled brows hikes up. “What you mean ‘if ever’? Falynn, you need a job. Thought you said those loans Enzo took out—”

“Can kiss my ass,” I joke with an easy laugh. “I’ll get to them when I get to them.”

“Girl, do you hear yourself? Your rent—”

“I don’t live there anymore.”

A bold statement. But true. Once this deal with Gio is over, I’m starting a new life…somewhere. A vision of a vivid, tropical paradise forms in my mind.

“Is that code for the sugar daddy’s moving you in?” Tasha asks, unimpressed. She’s normally not one to pass judgment; it’s the first time I’ve heard it in her tone. She catches herself a second later and sighs. “Look, do what you’ve gotta do, baby girl. You know that’s my life motto. I just…I hope you’re safe about it. Women like us, we come up missing all the time. Nobody gives a fuck. I’d hate for you to get in over your head.”

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic