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He’sstillwatching me. He leans forward only to grab hold of a drink, thick fingers enclosing around a glass a quarter filled by amber liquid. The shadows catch his face, keeping him obscured except for a square jawline peppered with dark stubble.

It’s official: he seems to only have eyes for me—and he likes what he sees.

Just the rich motherfucker I’ve been looking for.

The nerves pooled in my stomach melt away into nothing. Tonight isn’t going to be so bad after all.

An hour later, I’m off the stage, mingling with tonight’s guests. It’s the easiest part of working at the Dollhouse. You saunter through the lounge area, hopping table to table. You chat them up, laugh at a joke or two. Make them feel adored. Make them feelspecial.

Easiest cash I’ve ever earned in my life.

After flirting with Sal, a regular with thinning white hair, I check the time. It’s half past midnight, which means the night is still young. There’s still plenty more cash to be made. I’m due for my time in the VIP rooms, though I’m not sure if anyone has picked me out from the roster.

Mr. Rich Motherfucker is gone. The VIP section in the lounge is still full of the men in suits he had come in with, but he’s disappeared. The last time I saw him was right after my time on stage ended. Did he leave for the night since I’m done performing?

I didn’t realize I had anonymous fans who visit only to see me dance…

But if he’s gone now, I need a new mark for the night.

The Dollhouse is one of Vegas’s most elite gentleman’s clubs. Most of our customers already have cash to throw around—or are on a last bender before their life goes up in smoke. It doesn’t make a difference to me so long as I get paid.

The club is huge, two floors with several private rooms. The private VIP rooms are where us girls offer our additional services. Different girls offer different things. Like Tasha says, it’s all up to us how far we’re willing to go. If a guy gets out of line, security is pretty good about snatching them up and tossing them out.

I square my shoulders back and strut toward the hall leading to the VIP rooms. It’s cordoned off by velvet rope, with two bouncers outside the entrance, ensuring only performers and VIP guests are allowed through. The bouncers nod their heads, stepping to give me passage. The music from the main part of the club follows me, still loud in my ears, a bass thumping like a heartbeat.

The hall is dimly lit by neon blue lights, casting everything else in shadows. I’m heading toward the showcase room, where VIPs pick their girls, when somebody whistles for my attention. It’s Jerry, our club manager.

He’s shorter than I am when I’m wearing my heels, pigeon-chested with scraggly gray hair he ties into a ponytail. Some of the girls think of him like a father figure, but I’ve always found him more like the creepy, handsy uncle hidden away in every family. It’s the way he leers. Somehow more lecherous than paying customers.

“Honey, you’ve got a special request tonight,” he says. He places a cold hand on my shoulder, letting it slide generously down my bare back. “Lotta money to be made from this one.”


“Room five. He’s waiting on you. Oh, and once you’re done, come by my office. I’ve got an important message for you,” he says, and then he shuffles off down the hall.

I stand there in the dark for a few more seconds, barely lit by the blue bulbs above. This is the moment I’ve been thinking about all night. If I keep walking, if I go into room five, there’s no turning back. I’m doing this for real.

A shaky breath leaves me as my thoughts land on Enzo and what he’d think. Actually, I knowexactlywhat he’d think. He’d see red. He’d be pissed beyond belief his girl—the one he’d been with for almost two years—was providing sexual services for cash. Even as I worked as an exotic dancer, he’s never been happy with it. He’s sulked in the corner of the club plenty of times, providing a close and jealous eye, and then making it known later that night in his bed I understood I was his.

“You left me alone with all the bills.Andyour debts to those damn loan sharks. I’m doing what I have to do,” I whisper to no one. Another pep talk to keep my nerves solid.

VIP room five is like all the others. In the center of the room is a long metal pole stretching floor to ceiling. Along the back wall is a large leather sectional for guests to sit and enjoy their private show. At the front is space for dancing or tricks or whatever else we’re getting up to. There’s mirrors around the room, offering guests every angle possible of us performers.

The mystery of where Mr. Rich Motherfucker went is solved.

He’s seated alone on the sectional. Instead of shadows, now his face is obscured by a haze of cigar smoke. But his presence is as dominating as ever, his large and muscular form intimidating as he puffs out another ring of smoke and reclines against the leather cushion.

I keep it strictly business, strutting inside with my performer mask on. Right now, I’m not Falynn Marie Carter. I’m Honey, the sexy dancer about to milk him for as much cash as possible.

Music plays, slower and deeper than the fast-paced synthesized stuff in the main lounge. I draw closer, eliminating the gap between us, almost near enough for a real look at him. I’m a dark silhouette outlined by the blue lights in the room as I start dancing for him.Onlyhim.

My hips gyrate in an entrancing rhythm. With each move, I’m slinking closer, lips pouting sexily as I stare straight ahead at him. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of dancing, it’s men love eye contact; it makes them feel like they’re the only man in the world you want.

I spin around, legs splayed far apart, and bend over to touch the floor, offering him a front row view of my ass in the air. My hands slip behind me and I undo the top of my one-piece in a fluid motion. It drops to my waist, revealing my breasts as I stand up and rotate my hips more sensuously.

He gives no reaction, only shifts in his seat, smoke floating around us.

Part of me begins to wonder why he requested me. There are better dancers at the Dollhouse. Girls with more T&A than I have. Definitely girls who’re willing to go further than I am servicing customers. What is it about me that captured his interest? Why is he so intent on choosing me?

Tags: Sienne Vega City of Sinners Erotic