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“You’ve barely touched your pastry,” Gavril said from my side before slowly pushing my braid over my shoulder. “Is this not what you want?”

Of course, this wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to be back in Evren’s room, wrapped in his arms, before the guards had knocked on his door and broken the illusion I had fallen into. He had somehow made me forget where I was. He obliterated any thoughts of duty.

The only sense of responsibility I felt was that of my own wants. I felt no obligation to the prince who sat at my side. Instead, I longed for the one who had dropped me back at my room as if he were in pain to do so.

“It’s fine.” I smiled up at Gavril before lifting the cup of warm tea to my lips. “I’m just not very hungry.”

“That’s all right.” His fingers trailed over my shoulder before slipping around my back. Gavril tugged my chair closer to his, and I feared that he would be able to smell the traces of his brother on my skin. “You smell divine.”

“Thank you.” I looked away from him just as two women around my age walked into the room. Both of them were eyeing Gavril as if I wasn’t there, and I didn’t blame them. He was as handsome as he was powerful, and I should have wanted him.

“Adara, have you met Quinn and Lydia Etkin?” Gavril nodded toward them, and both women quickly dropped into perfect curtsies.

“I have not had the pleasure.” I smiled even though I had no interest in meeting these women.

The one with long brown hair sat at my side and smiled at me. “It’s an honor to meet you, Starblessed. We have heard so much about you.”

“Yes.” The one with hair of honey sat near Gavril, but now her eyes were only on me. “We have heard many tales of what you offer to our kingdom and our soon-to-be king.”

“Quinn.” Gavril said her name with exasperation, and his hand tightened around my shoulders. “Quinn and Lydia are both daughters of Nobleman Etkin. We have all grown up together in the palace.”

Quinn nodded her head with a smile before studying me. “We know the crowned prince better than most, so if there is anything you have questions about, please feel free to use me to help you with your betrothal.”

I was startled by her words, but Gavril didn’t seem bothered by them in the least. His fingers were still trailing over my shoulder as if the woman in front of me wasn’t letting me know that she had already had my soon-to-be husband.

“I will keep that in mind.” I balled my hands into fists in my lap. It didn’t upset me that she had been with him before me, but it infuriated me that she had the gall to say it to me without a trace of unease.

“And Evren?” she asked casually.

“What of him?”

Her gaze slammed back into mine at my question. “I was just asking the prince if he has seen him. I would love to be able to spend some time with him before he leaves once more.”

I gritted my teeth as my heart began to race and my head ached. This woman had not only had her hands on the crowned prince, but now I was imagining her touching my prince. And the second thought infuriated me far more than the first.

“So you know both of the princes well?”

“I do.” She nodded as her smile widened. “If it wasn’t for you, I would be in line to be betrothed to Gavril.”

I could practically taste the venom in her words. “I bet you hate me then.”

Gavril laughed at my side, and Quinn’s face fell. Perhaps she hadn’t expected me to have a backbone.

“I don’t think there are too many in our kingdom who do like you, Starblessed.”

“Quinn.” Gavril sat up straight as he chided her for her words, but I wanted to hear them.

“No. It’s fine. I’d actually like to hear what she has to say.” I leaned forward and pressed my elbows into the table. “I’d love to know why I’m giving up my entire life for a kingdom that doesn’t want me.”

Everyone was silent as my words rang through the room, and Gavril’s hand stilled on my shoulder.

“Please, Quinn.” I motioned my hand in her direction. “Don’t hold your tongue now.”

She simply stared at me without saying a word. She thought that she could intimidate me with her intimate knowledge of a man I was supposed to fall for, but all she did was fuel my hate.

“Am I interrupting?” Everyone looked toward the doorway where I knew Evren now stood, but I kept my gaze on Quinn and watched the way she adjusted her hair as she looked at him.

Tags: Holly Renee Fantasy