Page 7 of Taken By the Felon

He grins at me then. “You won't do that. You don't want to put your parents through that.”

He closes the distance between us until there’s scarcely an inch left between our bodies. “I'm going to let you call them from a burner phone. What you tell them is up to you, but I figure it'll be something along the lines of now that you're eighteen you wanted to spread your wings a little bit. It has nothing to do with either one of them. They're wonderful parents, but you needed to find yourself and for them not to worry and that you forgot your phone at the house. That's why you stopped and picked up a prepaid.”

I glare at him, my lips pursed before my shoulders finally slump. He's exactly right. That is what I'm going to tell them because I don't want them to worry. If my dad found out I was kidnapped, it would be on the seven o'clock news. Plus, my dad is friends with many policemen on the police force. There would be a manhunt, and I can already see my mother's tearful face. I know she’d stay awake all the time worried about me.

And they'll probably worry about me still, but it won't be as bad this way. Ajax must read the acceptance in my eyes because he wordlessly walks over to the nightstand, opens the drawer, and pulls out a phone.

My eyes flick to the drawer curiously. Who casually has a burner phone in their nightstand? I'm starting to realize I don't know as much about Ajax as I once thought I did, and a shiver runs down my spine at the thought, though fool that I am, it’s not exactly a shiver of fear If I had to describe it, I would say it’s more like a thrill of excitement.

I'm obviously fucked in the head.

I make the call to my parents, and while they don't sound happy about the news, I think they accept it. Well, if I know my father, he's going to do a bit of digging. He'll definitely be checking the security system, but something about Ajax’s totally relaxed manner lets me know that won't be a problem. If he was smart enough to slip past my dad's security, I'm sure he made sure there'd be no trace of him leaving with me either.

“So now what?” I ask him as I toss the phone onto the bed. “Do you plan on keeping me here forever? What am I going to wear?” I just gesture down to my sleep clothes. “Or do you plan on keeping me locked up in here like this to my dying day?”

Ajax ignores my sarcasm and walks over to the closet. He throws open the door, and my mouth falls open when I see a fully stocked closet. One side is dedicated to his clothes. Another to feminine clothing that I already know is all in my size.

My skin buzzes all over with realization.

“This wasn't some spur-of-the-moment thing. You've been planning this for a while.”

Ajax doesn't deny or confirm the accusation. Instead, he walks into the closet and pulls out a pink dress with little red cherries on it. He hands it to me.

I take it, and my immediate thought is that it’s beautiful and exactly like something I would have picked out myself. I'll never tell him that, though. Instead, I say snarkily, “What, so you plan on telling me what to wear now?”

He waves his big hand toward the closet. “By all means. I just thought you would like this one.”

I do like it.

I look down at the dress and sigh. “Ajax, you can't keep me here forever,” I point out.

His lips thin before he says sourly, “Watch me.”

My heart leaps into my chest when he pins those chocolate eyes on me and starts taking methodical steps toward me. “I told you, Olivia. Last night was your one chance to leave. You made your choice.”

The growl in his voice makes me clench my legs together in response as an ache wells up deep within me.

What the hell is wrong with me? The man is basically telling me he has kidnapped me and my release window has closed. I should be trembling in terror—not clenching my legs to abate my lust.

I swallow and try to redirect. “College will be starting in a few weeks,” I point out.

He shrugs, and my eyes catch on the motion of his huge shoulders rolling. “I don't think you really want to go to college, honey.”

My face heats. I look down, unable to meet his knowing gaze. How does he know that? I’ve never told anyone that.

My parents are teachers. It's expected that I’ll go to college. They've been prepping me for college since the day I was born. I can't let them down.

I feel a gentle finger under my chin, and then my face is tipped up until I'm looking into chocolate caramel eyes. The expression on Ajax’s face softens as he gazes down at me. “If you wanted to go to college, I'd make sure you were there, but this isn't something you want to do. I don't even think you know what you want to do. You’ve always let your life be dictated by others.”

My breath stutters to a stop. I feel exposed. It’s like he’s looking directly inside me and seeing all the uncomfortable pieces I keep locked up away from the world.

Ajax must have been in prison for theft because he’s stolen the key to my soul and unlocked all my secrets without me even realizing it.

I pull my chin out of his grasp and jut it at him. “What do you think this is? You're taking my choice away too. I’m your captive. I’d hardly say I have freedom here with you.”

Ajax’s jaw ticks before he finally says softly, “I think you'll find out you'll have more freedom here with me than you've ever had in your entire life. I don’t want to control you, Olivia.” He steps close to me, so close that his lips almost brush mine as he speaks his next words. “I want to possess you, and you’ll love every minute of it.”

And with that nuclear bomb of a statement, he heads for the bathroom. A moment later I hear the shower turn on, and my knees finally give out on me.

I fall onto the bed, my entire body trembling at the dark promise in Ajax’s voice. I feel that tingle racing up and down my spine again—and again it’s not fear I feel.

Tags: Emma Bray Romance