Page 6 of Lilies and Lies

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The man next to me is still staring at me, I can feel it and the way it slips along my skin like sludge. I want to recoil from it, but I feel caged in, my heart beating faster and faster.

What is the path of least resistance here?

The bartender turns and scurries off, that swagger gone and replaced by something even more ingrained in the lizard part of our brains. He’s come up against a bigger predator. He’s running scared.

“Gattina,” the deep voice coming from the man behind me rumbles through my body, overtaking the bass in the club as if sound itself bends to his will. It sends a shiver down my spine. I feel his warmth against my back and my body freezes, unsure how to proceed. My mind isn’t doing much better. I gasp when his lips touch the shell of my ear, “Are you here to see me? I would be incredibly disappointed to find out you were here with this man next to you.”

I shake my head slightly and set my drink down, thinking I’ll end up abandoning it. Just when I need it the most. When I turn, I hope it looks like his proximity doesn’t affect me. It’s a fucking lie, but still.

The man next to me clearly has a death wish and bionic fucking hearing because his slimy as hell voice pierces the bubble of fiery want I’m trapped in with Constantino, “Oh, she didn’t come with me, but she’s leaving with me.”

Constantino’s head snaps to the side to look at the man and I swear he grows another foot in height which is damn impressive since he was already well over six feet tall. His eyes narrow and if I had never seen murder in the eyes of a man before I would probably be terrified. Considering I have, I almost wish I had popcorn for this little dick measuring contest.


I do snag my drink though and then almost choke on it when Constantino leaves no room for argument in his tone, “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you should count yourself lucky I choose to not kill people in my club.”

I tear my eyes away from that sexy as hell display to catch the stranger’s brain catching up to what everyone else in the vicinity already knows—you don’t fuck with Constantino Agosti. And, apparently, me. How the hell I got roped in under his umbrella, I’m not sure I want to know, but right now I’m grateful for it.

Even with the pounding music, I can hear the way he gulps at the hard look in Constantino’s eyes. I can’t see the turquoise blue of them right now, but I remember it well. Hell, his eyes have haunted me from the moment I left my father’s meeting with him. They’ve visited me at night and swam through my dreams.

Maybe it’s one of the reasons I think he’s the only man who can help me now. I’m not sure, but this is my chance and I’m not going to squander it.

I blurt, “Gattina?”

Fucking hell, when did my voice become sultry? That’s a new one, but it has the desired effect and Constantino’s eyes snap back to mine, completely dismissing the man who thought he had a chance. He never did.

The man who has been like my own personal dream walker leans into me, his lips ghosting my jaw. “Oh yes, it seems fitting, don’t you think?”

I shake my head minutely, not sure if I want to press my skin against his lips or not. I’m pretty sure it would be a horrible idea for me to do so. I need to keep all my faculties about me and giving into the raging inferno inside of me when around this man would be dangerous.

You came here for a reason.

I try and put as much ice in my voice as I can, “How does it seem fitting?”

He chuckles lowly, and it moves along my exposed skin like a wave. I shouldn’t have worn this dress. Far too much of me is on display and the goosebumps which rise along my skin are going to give me away.

“Oh yes, myGattinaand with the act you’re putting on, you’re only proving my point.” He pulls back enough to look down into my eyes and I arch an eyebrow in question. The smile which curves on his delicious lips makes my knees weak. “You want people to believe your claws are vicious, Kitten, but you are all soft fur.”

“I’m pretty sure cats are cold and aloof,” I shoot back, and I swear I do have a shred of self-preservation somewhere around here.

Constantino laughs and I try and pretend like it doesn’t make my pussy wet and needy. The glint in his eyes and the way his nose flares has me figuring I’m not as good of an actress as I’d like to believe. Being the perfect Scavo princess has given me plenty of opportunities to pretend to be something I’m not, a lifetime, in fact.

Somehow, this powerful man who could have me crushed and tossed where no one would find me with nothing more than a tilt of his head, isn’t buying my artfully created façade. I’m not sure if I should revel in it or run far away so he can’t catch me.

He moves like lightning, capturing my wrist and giving a tug which is far gentler than I expected from a man like him. I know what he wants, and I stand at his behest. I shouldn’t. He’s the kind of man who, if you give him an inch will find out a way to use it as a noose and present you to the gallows.

He crowds me and I tilt my head back and stare into his eyes. I might not be fooling him, but one thing I won’t do is be intimidated by him. Not like this. There are many ways I want to feel his dominance and all of them involve me being naked. Considering I’m wearing clothing, now is not the time for me to submit to him.

From the look in his eyes, the heat I see there, he knows exactly where the line is between me falling at his feet and me standing my ground. His hand grips my hip and gives a squeeze, holding me in place as he presses his body against mine.

We slot together like two pieces which were always supposed to fit together. The feeling of it, the way the truth rushes through my body, makes me want to sway where I stand, but he holds me firm. I wonder how it would feel to have his strong hands holding me in other ways.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking about right now, specifically,Gattina, but you can guarantee I’ve had the same thoughts.” He leans down and runs his nose up the column of my neck, nipping at my jaw. “I can guarantee mine have been darker and full of depravity. I can’t wait to make them a reality.”

I gasp and go to pull back from him, but he doesn’t let me move and shakes his head once in warning. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” my voice comes out shaky and I would slap my own forehead right now if I could, but that would only show more of my hand, and I’ve already let this man see enough.

Too much.

Tags: Ember Davis Romance