Page 6 of Aries Mated

“Yeah?” I blinked a few times, trying to make out any of the contestants’ faces. “Like who?”

“Alek, the alpha of the Gemini clan who was one of the favorites to win.” I would have had to have been living under a rock not to know him. “And Chase, son of the Virgo clan alpha. He was almost last place.”

I narrowed my eyes curiously. Who were they with? I gasped in shock when I realized exactly what I was seeing. They were with Karly, host of the Morning Show, and there was definitely something romantic happening. I guess the gorgeous queen of morning television caught their eye more. I cocked an eyebrow, wondering if there was a reason behind them all getting disqualified.

“Hey, Mom, can we line up to get Jason’s autograph? He’s in first place at the moment. It would be cool to meet him.”

“Mmhmm, sure.” I didn’t mind at all what we did, so long as it made Sol happy.

I followed Sol to the line, surreptitiously looking around as I did. I wasn’t looking for Atlas exactly, but if I saw him, I suppose it would be best for me to thank him again. He did a lot for me and the bar last night. My eyes didn’t end up on Atlas though. Instead, intrigue got the better of me and I found my gaze drifting toward the man meditating under the Capricorn banner, looking at complete peace with the world. I didn’t know what drew my eyes to him the most, his shock of bright blond hair or the calm smile playing on his lips. I ached for a bit of that calm, even for a moment.

Almost as if the man sensed me looking right at him, his piercing blue eyes popped open and stared at me. I felt like he could see right into my soul. But I didn’t mind it. In fact, his smile was so infectious I actually found myself grinning back. There was something comforting about his sweet warmth. I was intrigued. I wanted to know more…

All of a sudden, something slammed against me from behind. My precious mug of coffee rolled from my fingers and crashed and spilled all over the floor. “What the hell?”

I had a few choice words to yell at whoever slammed in to me, but I wasn’t the first one to speak.

“This is our spot,” my son growled in a voice I didn’t recognize. “Get back in line and wait like everyone else.” Rage rolled off Sol in waves. His fists curled up in to bundles by his side.

“Hey, we don’t need to…” I started to tell Sol, but instead focused on the rude mad behind us. “Can you just get to the back?”

I expected the man to listen to me because I was being way more reasonable than I normally would be. Instead, he growled, “Or what? What are you going to do?”

Before I could even part my lips to tell him what I now had planned for him, he shoved his hands against my chest, knocking me hard to the floor in the blink of an eye.

This asshole has done it now…

But I stopped. My blood ran ice cold. Everything I had planned went flying out the window when I spotted a furry little brown bear by my side.

Tags: Laura Wylde Paranormal