Page 14 of Holiday Heat

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I can’t stop thinkingabout Jane and if I hadn’t had to leave so early this morning I’d still be wrapped around her body. But I heard her friends coming up the walkway, singing like a bunch of drunken sailors on shore leave and slipped out the back so I didn’t embarrass her.

Not that I was embarrassed. It was the best night of my life. I’ve never felt so alive and the way she lost herself in my arms? I don’t think that’s something she normally does either.

I want a repeat performance. Hell, I want a lot of repeat performances. Until the day I die, I want to be buried up to my balls in her curvy damn body.

But I also don’t want to piss her off and send her running. I knew that if her friends walked in and found us, all bets were off. I’d want to carry her off and she’d want to run for the hills.

So I left. But I’ve been rethinking it all morning and I don’t where my mind’s going.

She’s a stubborn woman. I can’t help but wonder if she’ll take up with another man just to prove a point. God knows my ex did!

Plus, I know she’s been hurt before. By that asshole, Dick. I know his name is Richard but he sounds like a dick to me.

I have a feeling she’s not going to find my desertion a good thing. Frankly, I think she’ll write me off.

I dress quickly, having to stop to try and let my damn mind tell my body to slow down. Because I’m hard as a fucking rock this morning. My mind replaying the images of her body under me, wrapped around me. Her legs around my waist as I drive myself into her over and over again. I’ve never felt anything more perfect than the way her wet heat surrounded my aching cock. Just like fucking a fairy tale it was a perfect fit. Tight, wet, and so damn hot.

My phone rings and I pick it up. “What?” I bark into it.

“Jesus! Good morning to you too!” Jameson grunts.

“Sorry, man. I was just getting ready to go out. I’ve got a lot of things to do today.” Track down my future wife and make sure she doesn’t take off chief among them.

“I just wanted to let you know that we are going to acquire that little ad agency. The takeover’s gone through. The owner’s happy to sell out. Looking to retire to some island somewhere and drink rum on the beach or some such shit.”

“Good, good. Have we decided who’s going to be in charge or anything like that?”

“Not yet. We’ve got a few candidates.”

“Alright. Well, I’ve got to hit the road. So I’ll talk to you later and go over some other details about this.”

“Got it. Are you looking at another merger out there?”

“Yeah. The lifetime kind. I’ll talk to you later.”

He chuckles. “You’ll have to tell me what you’re up to later. Sounds serious.”

“You have no idea.”

I hang up, slip my phone in my pocket and jog out onto the trail to the resort. I don’t think I’ve spent this much time at that resort since I moved up here.

But if that’s where she’s at. That’s where I’m gonna be.

The morning is hushed, the forest lightly bouncing with bird songs and morning light. The air is crisp and clean. I breathe deep and feel my body relax. This is why I moved up here. To renew my body and let my spirit soar.

Laughing, I stride out, my steps loose and hurried. It’s been the best idea my doctor ever had.

My lips turn down in a frown. Should I have told Jane why I was here? Yeah. But I’ll remedy that in a hurry.

I see the resort bustling in the distance and head for the other side of the lake, looking for Jane’s cabin. It’s a miracle, but I’m not even out of breath when I finally see the front porch in the distance. Once again, the doctor got it right.

I see three of the five women on the front porch. But Jane’s not among them.

I stroll up and give them a charming smile. Two of them smile at me. The third, the blonde with the grey eyes does not. She eyes me with distaste, her pink lips curled like she just tasted something bad.

Oh shit! I think I’m going to have some explaining to do before I can get what I want.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance