Page 51 of Two Gushers

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Man, what a god damn zoo this place is turning out to be. For the fourth time this week, the police have come out for something or another. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. The alarm of the clock goes off and I look at it, wondering how long I’ve been awake.

Rolling to the side of the bed, I get up, changing into a pair of jeans from my flannel pajama bottoms, I head to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Maybe two. I need the fog to lift from my mind. Taking a ready cup of joe, I sit in my easy chair, thinking. After taking several sips of the coffee, I begin to feel the fog lift..

As I begin to think I recall Ken already in Tamara’s office yesterday morning. Not sure why I feel disgust toward him, but it’s there, hiding in the recesses of my heart. If it would’ve only been co-workers in the room, I’d have taken a shot at him.

I have a wide array of emotions concerning this man and his involvement in my life. I thought at first he’s guilty of this bullshit at work, but then I got to know him and then the threesomes became a thing, and now, I hang out with him more.

I’m absolutely not a gay man, by any means, and I do enjoy the escapades involving him. Can’t deny that. But I think it’s just getting plain ‘ole weird. At least for me. The weirdest thing about all of it is seeing his whacker hanging out. The more I think about it, the more I feel the repulsion toward Ken.

He’s a good friend, though. Friend, not lover.

I take a gulp of the coffee and wonder if it’s possible that a man could be in love with a woman, but still think and dream about other men. I love Tamara and would spend my life with her, but I wouldn’t want to take the chance of having fantasies about a man.

I guess anything’s possible.

I finish that coffee and fill my cup again. Why does everything have to be so damn complicated? I slam my fist onto the counter. Taking a drink, swallowing it down, shaking my head as I walk to my bedroom to finish getting ready for the day ahead. Fucking tired of all the shit and thinking and worrying about it.

C’est la vie!

I choose a shirt from my dresser and sigh. I think about this threesome thing and what my dad would think of this conundrum I’ve found myself in. He’d skin me alive and burn what’s left. He’s from old school, you know, one man one woman. Oh! And they damn sure better be married before they had any sex.

That’s how I was raised. Ignorant asshole.

It’s not the same today. People aren’t as old school but some still hang on to their parents’ belief system, which stunts their maturity level. What a crock. Either be your own person and stop hiding, or stay out of the way when someone else makes that decision for themselves.

I guzzle some of the coffee and put my shirt on. I’m starting to feel the caffeine kick in as my movements become quicker, waking me finally out of a state of slumber and fog. I take one last gulp and set it down, getting my shoes and socks. Everything is so exhausting.

I walk to the kitchen and stretch, hearing my back pop in a few places. Scanning the contents of the fridge, I settle on a cold piece of pizza. It’s quick and ready.

Breakfast of champions.

I decide that I need to talk to Tamara. Finishing the pizza, I take off for the office. Once I get there, again, a number of police cars are outside crowding the lot. I park on the street this time and go to the door.

As I’m about to open the door, it swings wildly open and cops bust through. In the middle of them, in handcuffs is Charlotte. She’s fuming and foaming at the mouth, cursing Timothy, “Your ass is so fired. You’ll never work again, rat!”

What a cunt of a woman. No one would catch me with someone like that. I watch as they stuff her into the back of a cruiser, still screaming. I see cop one, lean down and say, “If you don’t stop yelling, I’ll place a gag around your mouth.”

“You can’t do that, I have rights,” she snaps back.

“Yeah, so did those people over there,” he points to the front of the building. “Keep it up and see if I don’t do it.” He slams the squad car shut and salutes me.

I turn to see what the commotion is around the front and I see the boss and Tamara getting into ambulances. “My god! What happened?” I run to the one with Tamara going into the back. “What happened, someone please tell me,” I get the cold shoulder from the frantic paramedics, trying to get them secured. Scanning the blankets covering them, I can see the different blood stains in different places.

This is Charlotte’s doing. Feeling the anger rise up in me,I stare at the cruiser as it leaves the lot. She’d better be fucking glad she’s in police custody. I want to tear her head off and use it for a soccer ball. As the ambulances pull away, I call Ken to give him an update on the latest circumstances.

“They just took them to the hospital,” I tell him. “I think that they both were knocked out.”

“I’m on my way, be there in a few.” Click. I sit and wait for him in my car. Another trip to the hospital.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic