Page 49 of Two Gushers

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Sitting here thinking about my boss, I feel sad for him. He’s not only lost his wife, but was going to be framed for her. What a horrible bitch. Why does he even stay with her?

Since the cops discovered what Charlotte had been up to, he’s been down in the dumps. I never had respect for him, how he gave Charlotte the right to degrade him in front of others. He is sort of a nincompoop.

I can empathize with the man. It’s tough to find out that the one person you love more than anything else in the world, tries to frame you for embezzling from the company. All so he would go to jail and be rid of him without him getting half her money.

Ditch the bitch, I say. She’s cheated on him more times than I can count now.

The poor guy still comes in every day because he just doesn’t know what to do with himself. Maybe later, I could make some suggestions to help him find some peace and regain a sense of normalcy to his life.

Charlotte is on the run, no one knows where her cheating ass went. It scares me to think that she’s still out there. I shudder at the thought of her finding me. Desperate people do desperate things. And cornered animals lash out fiercely.

Hell, that bitch is probably out in some country without laws of extradition for crimes. She probably has a couple of goons around her at all times, protecting her and the money. Moving it from this company into many off-shore shell accounts. I’m not certain this company can survive from that kind of hit.

And poor boss man. Left with nothing but a shell of a business and a shamble for his marriage. A laughing stock in the community. I shake my head and wonder how I can pull everyone together so that we can save the business.

It’s too much. And I know it.

Does this mean that our jobs are going in a month or two? I shrug my shoulders as I can’t really answer that. Ken and Jason have been supportive since the bullshit comments were forgiven by me. Ken’s right about the consequences on either side of the coin.

This relationship could end in a bad way solely because of me and my angry hurt feelings. I remember arguing with Ken about it, too. I guess in that scenario, I’m the cornered animal.

I want my name to be clear and to love both men equally. They didn’t deserve the hell I put them through. I shake my head as a tear falls down my cheek. To think that Jason went out and spent money to make it up to me and I childishly beat him over the head with it, over his attempts at apologizing.

I wipe the tear away as I remember throwing the pretty flowers he got for me into the trash. Remembering the look on his face fall dark and deeply, exemplifying the feelings in his heart.

I’m the brooding bitch.

I smile as I see Ken walk by my office on his way out for the night. “See you in a bit?” I ask, trying to turn up on the playful side.

He stops and peers into the room, nodding his head. “Most definitely,” he say,s then walks toward the parking lot.

I begin to put things away on my desk, clearing it for the night. I can’t stop feeling badly for the boss though. I decide to go and check on him before I leave. Knocking lightly on his door, I step into his office.

“Hey, boss,” I say tenderly.

He looks up at me with hollow eyes rimming with red. Like a sad bunny with his big eyes teary and his ears tucked behind its head. “Yeah, Tamara?”

“I just wanted to tell you that the people working for you, support you as well. Anyone of us would drop what we’re doing to help you,” I tell him with the best intentions towards the pitiful man.

“Thank you,” he finally says. “I appreciate that. Thanks for all you do for this company as well, Tamara.”

I smile and leave the door of his office. On the way home, I stop to get a bottle of chilled champagne and some strawberries. Getting to the house, I find my ice bucket and put ice and the champagne in it. Taking three flutes down from the cupboard, I see the dust clinging to the inside, so I wash them out.

I’ve only got one rule for this evening. No talk of the company, boss, or Charlotte. I just want to have a relaxing evening and celebrate our relationship. Heading to my bedroom to change into something more comfortable, I turn the bathroom light on to see if I need to fix my makeup. All’s fine.

I pick a pair of silky jogging pants and an old Boston t-shirt. Hearing a knock on the door, I open it and both Jason and Ken are standing there with smiles on their faces. “Well, come on in, you two Cheshire cats.”

I walk to the table and pour three glasses of champagne and drop a strawberry in. I carry all three to the guys, them each taking one. I raise my glass and say, “To the dawning of a new beginning for us.”

“Absolutely,” says Jason as we clank the glasses in a toast. We all three get to the sofa, finishing off our champagne with small talk. Ken starts kissing me and Jason reaches for my tits through the shirt. It feels good to have them both here again. I turn and kiss Jason, while I stroke Kens’ crotch, feeling the bulge ignite in his pants.

Ken feels me through my pants as Jason continues to kiss me. I know I’m getting wetter by the moment with his every move. He reaches across me and rubs my tits, kissing my neck.

Jason kisses me hard and stands up. I look at him wondering what is happening. “I’ve got something I need to do, so I’ll see you guys at work tomorrow.”

He leaves as Ken and I stare bewildered in the moment.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic