Page 29 of Two Gushers

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“Absolutely sure, but I also found another check had been cashed, this time it was for fifty g’s and made out to some man that I didn’t know. I called the bank and they’re looking into it, but that’s gonna take a couple of days,” I let out an exaggerated sigh and rub my forehead. I’m quickly getting a headache.

“That makes a total of ninety g’s, correct?”

“As far as I know,” is my reply. “I asked the boss if he knew anything about it and he didn’t so I called you.”

“It’s very interesting,” Guy says to me. “Can you send me copies of the checks and ledgers?”

“I’ll send it to your email, cool?” asking him for his permission.

“That’ll do,” he says. “Once I get them, I’ll do some investigating and ask the policemen that came out last night to help you if they discover anything.”

“Sounds good, and thanks for listening,” I feel a little relief now that someone I can trust is delving into this shit-pile.

“No worries,” he says as I’m about to hang up. “Oh, Tamara?”

Grabbing the phone back to my ear, “Yes?”

“Be careful, now. When this much money is involved, people get desperate and desperate people take desperate measures,” he warns me.

“Roger that,” I say and hang up.

I’ve barely done anything today, but I feel so drained. I call it a day, even though it’s only four in the afternoon. I decide to go home. When I get there, I’m surprised by a knock at the door.

Not in the mood for anything else today. The knock raps on the door again and I open it. Seeing Jason there is such a surprise and I invite him to talk about the day. About a half hour later, Ken shows up.

“Heard about the mess on your desk and I figured you’re pretty aggravated given it’s on the heels of last night’s debacle,” Ken says as he sits down.

“That’s what I came for as well,” Jason says. “As angry as I get sometimes, I have to remember something I got from a long-gone friend. He always had good things to say.”

“What is it,” I ask.

“Boiling anger burns. It sticks to people like hot melted sugar and that’s what scars and blisters.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic