Page 26 of Two Gushers

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Ihad a hunch sitting in my gut, along with a side of guilt, covered in shame. I put the last of my emotions on the back burner for now. I’ll get to those later. Thinking about last night gave rise to the insatiable monster in my pants that has a few ideas of his own.

Settling myself down, I decide to take my suspicions to some people that have a pulse on the oil business. There’s a guy here, who is the overseer of the entire oil empire in this city. Which is a lot, mind you.

“Hey man!” my jovial buddy shakes my hand. “How’s things going?”

“Actually, not too well,” I sigh and shake my head, running a hand through my hair.

His face shows a slight frown and he invites me into his office to talk. Once inside, he sits behind his desk and kicks his leather cowboy boots up onto his desk. “What’s going on that I can help with?”

“There’s no real good way to begin this, but I’ll give it a whirl,” I lean forward with my elbows on my knees, chin on top of them. I sit up and begin to unravel the events of the past two weeks.

“A couple of weeks ago, some machinery broke while doing its thing. We, I mean me and another co-worker, Ken, think that someone is sabotaging them. Also, money and checks have gone missing. We bought some surveillance equipment and installed the cameras in various places in order to catch who’s behind it.”

“Wow, that’s a mouthful,” he removes his boots from the desk top and sits up. “Any ideas as to who might be behind this?”

“We’ve got a couple of people that we think are running this entire mess. Tamara Daniels because she does the handling of money and the like, and Charlotte, the boss’s wife, and the boss.”

“I’ve known Tamara basically my entire life. She’s too good of a person to be in on this kind of thing so, scratch her off that list,” he says to me with a nod of his head. “Now, her boss is another story in and of itself,” he looks down at his desk top and grabs a pen to tap. “Every time I see that fat, pudgy face, I just want to punch him in his jelly belly.”

“Okay, then Charlotte?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I sit back into my seat, waiting for the rest of the story.

“I’ve known Charlotte and the boss since high school. Those two were such a mismatch and everyone knew it. To be clear, the only reason Charlotte married him is so that she could control him,” she’s always controlled him,” he stands and looks out the window. “Hell, Charlotte has probably had about a hundred flings behind his fat back.”

He chuckles and then turns to me with his hands in his pockets. Pulling one hand from a pocket, he points a finger at me. “You know, maybe he found out some of her nonsense escapades and is doing this to get as much of her company as he could before he leaves her.”

I tilt my head to one side, considering the possibility of his statement. “I can see the valid point being made. But, could Charlotte be doing this just to force the company under?”

“Possibly,” he shrugs his shoulders.

“Well, thanks for your time here today and I’ll keep a watch for more wrong-doings,” I say as I stand up to shake his hand good-bye. “And I’ll try to keep Tamara off this list. We just have a glimpse of a person caught on camera that looks like her.”

He’s genuinely held in surprise at my accusation towards Tamara. “If I were you, I’d let her off the hook. There’s absolutely no way that she could be involved in anything underhanded.”

“I don’t want to believe that she could be involved, but even you would have to admit it’s a possibility that she’s not the same person anymore,” I say as I turn to the door.

“Just be careful and try not to be judgmental too soon,” he says as I leave.

“You bet,” I turn to look at him before I leave. “I’ll keep you in the know.”

Heading to my car in the thick of the choking humidity, I get in and crank the air to cool me down. Dude, could be right, is my first thought. Charlotte has had a lot of side affairs and it’s plausible that boss is doing the sabotaging.

He says to let Tamara off the hook, but how can I do that? Not with evidence I’ve seen. Ken agrees that we should keep an eye on her as well.

Tamara. Beautiful girl, deep emerald eyes, smoking hot body.

Ken. Muscular, deep eyes that draw you in, big cock.

By the time I get home, my dick is raging and needs release. I decide to get a shower and step into the heat, letting it wash over me. I can’t escape Ken’s eyes last night. I can’t see past the beauty of Tamara.

Each has a grip on me in one way or another.

My cock is hungering to be messed with. I lather a bar of soap and begin to stroke the hardened mass with images in my head of last night with Ken. I love the feeling I get when I grab my dick and fuck it with my hand. Like I’m choking that lizard out.

I sense the electricity again, coursing through my nerves, running the tingling pleasure up my spine. I whack my dick off so good and feel my muscles tighten up. I finally let go of a huge wad of come, breathing heavily.

I finish my shower and go to bed, thinking of the fun that we all three could be having if we were just ourselves, people without restraint in that department.

Yeah, but I’m still embarrassed about us rubbing one out together last night.

Another problem for another day.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic