Page 24 of Two Gushers

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Wonders do happen and miracles exist. A couple of days ago, Jason and I were at each other’s throats, ready to beat the shit out of each other. It seems like there would be no comradery between the two of us for a while. Now, Jason is inviting me over for some beers.

I couldn’t be more surprised if a random body part falls off sometime tonight. At least he’s not drilling with fucking questions about me. Maybe it’s not the end of it though, no way of really knowing.

The drive back to Jason’s house is mostly filled with small talk, but he did keep circling back to the matter at hand. “You know what’s funny about all of this stuff with the rigs and machinery?”

“I could take a couple stabs at it, but what are you thinking about it?” I say while looking at him from the passenger seat, noticing that he has a strong jawline that accentuates his eyes. His blonde hair looks messy, but it’s a style, mostly it looks like he just woke up, leaving his hair that way.

“What’s funny about this to me, is that—you ready for this?” he glances at me with accusing eyes.

“Yep,” I mentally prepare for the statements he’ll toss. It comes natural for him I guess.

“Okay,” he says and sighs. “Whoever is behind, at least the rig’s breaking, knows how they work and messes with that precisely.”

I turn in the seat, trying to face him, but can only move half way. “You mean, you think maybe an oilman is sabotaging the rigs?”

“That’s what I mean,” he glances over at me again, with a knowing look.

“That’s a decent theory,” I look down, searching for the next thing to say. It’s still kind of tense between us and I don’t need to stir the muddy waters. “Do you think it’s one of our own?”

“It could be, but why would one of ours damage the worksite that pays their salary?” Jason asks me as he turns into his driveway. We get out of the car and he looks at me over the top. “Seriously? Think about that for a moment.”

He starts to walk up to his place, and talks over his shoulder. I couldn’t stop from checking out his tight ass. My dick swells and I quickly get him in check. “If our field workers fuck up even one of the machines, it’s down for at least a week,” he turns to me before he unlocks the door. “Imagine that happens over a period of only two weeks, no one would be working.”

“No work equals no pay,” I say to his back while he opens the door. “Maybe the guy’s just tired of working.” I mean that to be silly, but Jason gives me the ‘really’ look. I chuckle. “Just kidding, man.”

Inside, I remove my boots just as he does, setting them by the door. I check out his décor and the architecture of his house. It’s quaint and quiet, reminds me of an older woman’s home. I can smell the natural gas lingering in the air.

Jason walks to the fridge and takes out a couple of beers. “Hope you like these, it’s a new craft beer from the brewery in the center of town.”

I nod my head, “Thanks. I’m always looking for a new taste.”

Cracking one open, he hands it to me, waiting for my opinion. I down a nice gulp and allow it to swirl around in my mouth. Smooth, peanut butter on the front and coffee on the back. I nod my head after I swallow it. “This is very good. I like the peanut butter notes and how it hits before the coffee does.”

Jason throws two fists into the air, no higher than his chest. “Yes,” he excitedly says, with a huge smile across his face. He opens his beer and downs a swig. “This is my new fav, and do you know how hard it is to find someone to enjoy them with?”

‘How hard’ is mostly what I hear. I follow him to the couch and he takes another drink. “I do have a couple of theories, though. They don’t sound good, but wanna hear them?”

“Shoot,” I say and take another drink of my beer. This is fantastic, looking at the label. I’ll have to ask where to purchase them.

Jason sits up, holding his beer with both hands while he leans on his knees. “Well, with the money missing, and Tamara says the amounts are large, isn’t it possible that she’s embezzling the cash? I mean, she’s the main person to handle the money and company checks.”

I glance at him, a defensive, but shocked look on my face. “I don’t think she’d do that. She works too hard for the company and why on earth would she even take that risk?” I raise an arm up, palm flat to exaggerate the sentiment. I bring it back down and shake my head. “No, it doesn’t fit with her personality.”

Jason has another drink, giving me a sideways glance. “Maybe she’s the one fucking with the rigs to cover the trail of the missing money.”

“I still think that’s a far cry from one of our oilmen,” I down a couple gulps of the beer. “Seeing the people in all the different places I worked at, I’ve gotten to be a really good judge of character. And I trust Tamara.”

We both finish off the beers and Jason stands taking my bottle. “Want another?” he asks as I nod my head affirmatively.

“Yes, I do enjoy that taste,” I watch as he goes to the kitchen to get more beer. “You know, I just had a thought.”

“What is it?” he shuts the fridge and opens the beers. Getting back to the sofa, he hands me a new beer.

“With Tamara running the business, the boss doesn’t do anything,” I say and down a swill of my new beer.

By the look on his face, Jason considers my theory. “It’s possible as well. How about you and I keep a watch on Tamara, just for the time being, but then check what the boss is up to?” he asks, holding his beer up for a toast.

I tap it and say, “To our investigation.”

Wherever that may take us.

To jail probably.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic