Page 22 of Two Gushers

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The shower water feels so good against my skin. Last night with the boys is still at the forefront of my mind. Completely awesome. Right now, they’re leaving in an Uber, heading to work while I’m enjoying a nice long shower. Yet, I only have about twenty minutes to shower because this is a workday for me. However, that’ll be enough time to review certain aspects of last night.

Being with the boys together is like a dream come true. To be with two adoring men and having sex has always been a fantasy of mine and here I am experiencing true Nirvana. I hope that this is only the beginning of the hot and sensual times we will have together.

Getting out of the shower, I saw that I only had ten minutes to get ready if I did not want to be late. I always lay out my clothes the night before, but I was too busy with the guys to do that. I rush to the closet and pick out a shirt, skirt and jacket, dressing as fast as I can.

Twenty minutes later and I’m at work. Today I have to go over the books, a favorite task of mine. There’s a lot to be said for having a neat and efficient ledger. I turn on my desktop and it comes to life in seconds.

I log into the ledgers and start checking things. I reach into my desk for the snowball cakes that I keep in case of emergencies. My long shower left me little time to get breakfast. I open the snowballs and take a big bite. Who doesn’t love a pink confection? I love the coconut and chocolate of the snowballs. This is a treat.

I’m munching on my snowball and getting out the business checkbook to make sure that the ledger is up to date with the last check written. I almost choke on my snowball when I notice that there are two checks missing. My chest begins to burn. I am afraid of what I am going to find.

Tossing the snowball on its package, I log into our business bank account to see an image of the checks. My jaw drops when I see that both check’s are for cash. One in the amount of ten grand and the other, a whopping thirty grand. What in the fuck!! I’m going to get the blame for this!!

The last bite of the snowball tastes like sand in my mouth. I reluctantly swallow and throw away the snowball package and its contents, taking a deep breath. This is not good; not good at all. I go to my boss’ office to tell him. With so much dread swirling in my tummy, I take one last look at the check’s images and saw that the signature on them isn’t legible. Turning around to the safe, I look to see if anything is missing. There’s only two people that have the keys to the safe. How did anyone get in to take a check?

“I have something to tell you that is disturbing,” I say as I enter the boss’s office, nervous as a cat.

He is hard at work at his computer, but he stops to look at me. “What’s wrong?”

“Somebody took two checks from the checkbook and took forty grand out of the account!”

“What! Forty grand? Who signed these checks?” He asks me, eyeing me cautiously.

“The signature is illegible.”

My boss looks bewildered. His face turns red, and he looks like he is going to blow a gasket. My heart pounds in my chest as I look away, noticing the camera monitors in the office . At this moment one one of the camera’s, there is a dark figure trying to mess with the computer systems attached to the rigs.

I move closer to the monitors to see if I can make out a face. I can’t see it but there is something familiar about it. My stomach starts to burn. This is going to turn out to be something not only serious but also dangerous.

“Look at this,” I tell my boss, pointing to the screen.

He comes over to the monitor and watches the small dark person doing something to the computer system. “Quick, call Jason or somebody! And get the computer people in here.”

I do as he says and call Jason, letting them know in the briefest way possible what’s going on. Both the boss and I watch with our jaws tight, worrying about the figure and what they’re doing. And who is going to stop them?

We both start to shout at the figure as he begins to leave. “Where are they going!? We are losing him!” Feeling stupid for yelling at an image on camera, I step aside and allow him to be the lunatic, even though my heart races.

Three minutes later, Jason pops his head in the door. “Where do I need to look?”

“Everywhere, but start around the tech room,” I tell him.

Five minutes later, a person on the computer team enters the room, starting to examine the system. We might not have the intruder, but maybe they left some clues as to what they’re doing.

The boss gets on the phone to call the appropriate people that need to know what’s going on here. As he is talking, he gives me a list of people to call. I go to my desk and get to work. I feel like I am going to throw up, I am so nervous.

It’s been a long day, and relief floods over me when it is over. The boss is holding a meeting about the checks and doesn’t need me to sit in. I turn off my computer, making sure the safe is on lock, and I leave for the day.

As I walk into the car lot, I see my car. All four tires are flat. Now the bile is coming up my throat. I get closer to my car and see a note on my windshield. I grab it and unfold it.

“Stay out of this,” the note says. I can’t hold it back anymore. I start to throw up. There is no doubt in my mind what ‘this’ is. I’m in danger and it doesn’t feel good.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic