Page 15 of Two Gushers

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It’s closing time and everyone else has left the building for something other than work. Cool down time. Fun with family, friends or possibly a fight. If that’s what they’re into.

I stop and shake my head with my hands on my hips. But where the fuck am I? Stuck finishing things up and getting stuff ready for tomorrow. I turn back to go through some file folders and setting papers and forms on the desk.

Hearing angry hushed tones at my door, I toss my papers on the desk, about to get the door, but it flies open. What appears to be an angry Jason marching in, with Ken hot on his heels. A look of contempt shows through the upset scowl on his face.

I just stare at the two of them getting ready for bullshit to hit me. “It didn’t scare me, if that’s what you’re trying to do,” I level a glare at them. “And what in the hell is making you so mad that you had to bust through my door?” I slam the file drawer shut next to me and turned to face the inquisitors.

Jason speaks first. “I found out you had sex with this guy,” he points a fisted thumb towards Ken. “What’re you up to with that?” He stands rigid, his muscles firm, nostrils flaring, looking for a fight.

I roll my eyes at Jason and look over to Ken. “And you?”

Ken thought for a moment and I could see some anger leave his body. His stance isn’t like Jason’s, but more curious than him. “Tamara, we both were talking about the machinery issue and as we got deeper in the conversation, we found out that you had sex with both of us. We just want to know why, is all.”

I shrug my shoulders and glare at the two of them. “Why does it really matter to you?” I ask while I place one arm across my stomach and check out my new polish. It’s pretty cool.

“It’s not fair to either one of us that you fuck us both,” Jason runs his hands through his sandy blonde waves. “Are we just some guys that you toy with?”

“It’s funny,” I say with a disdainful look. “I see your lips moving, but I only hear blah, blah, blah. Besides, I can fuck anyone I want.”

“Don’t try to be a bitch right now while trying to defend yourself,” Jason blurts out.

“I kinda feel the same, Tamara,” Ken looks at his feet and then backs up to me. “It’s like you’re cheating on each of us and I’ve already had enough of that shit in my life.”

Jason glances at him oddly and crosses his arms in front of his body. “Yeah, what he said. That’s why it matters.”

“Guys, I’d like to give you a nasty face, but seeing that you both already have one, I’ll let it go,” I come out from behind my desk and lean against the front of it. Both Jason and Ken are about five feet away from me.

“Now, guys, please get this into your thick skulls. Neither one of you is tied to me just because we had sex, and that goes for any other person,” I look at my feet, crossing both arms just under my tits. “In fact, I fuck who I want to fuck when I want to fuck.” I stare angrily back at them, wishing I could bore holes with my eyes right through their puny brains with laser beams.

The room goes silent for a few minutes. A look of shock and confusion crosses their faces, but Jason’s held a deeper sentiment, like he lost a longtime friend. “Listen, you both are very hot,” I prance around Jason. He remains stoic as I run a finger up his arm and across his back while I move around him to get to Ken. “Veryhot, indeed.”

I face Ken and lick my lips. I can feel my pussy getting juicier by the minute. I walk back to my desk and turn to look at them. “Since you’re hot and I was in the mood, I fucked you. In fact, I’d like to fuck you both right now,” my voice betrays my desire for the two of them. “If you’re men enough to satisfy me. And we can ditch the attitudes.”

By the looks on their faces, I could tell that this isn’t in their wheel house of sex. “It’s something that I’ve always wanted to try.”

I take off my blazer and set it on the chair behind the desk. Unbuttoning my blouse, I watch as their anger begins to slip away. I toss my top in Jason’s direction, hitting him in the face. The skirt is running down my legs and lands in a circle around my feet. Stepping one foot out, I use the other foot to kick my skirt to Ken.

It’s funny to watch men try to keep a straight face when a woman is stripping in front of them. Next, my bra flies and lands on the floor between Ken and Jason. I turn my back to them as I wiggle my bare ass right out of my panties.

All is off, except the damn traps on my feet. Anyway, I start sauntering towards them and flip my hair around to my back, striking a pose. “Are you not interested?”

Jason still has his arms crossed with my blouse hanging from a shoulder and Ken blankly stares at the back wall. They both act like it’s some kind of joke.

Jason shakes his head and finally loses his stance. “Nope, I once was, but not now.”

“I just can’t,” Ken states flatly.

Neither one of them make a move to leave the room. “Is that so?” I ask as I get closer to them. I’m close enough now that I can reach their crotches. I spread my hands apart and begin to massage the sausages in their pants. As if on cue, both cocks start throbbing and swelling.

“It appears that your members are disagreeing with you,” I say, still playing with their dicks. “Afterall a woman needs a reason to have sex, but guys just need a place.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic