Page 10 of Two Gushers

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Seeing that people have begun to leave her alone, I decide to go in and talk to Tamara. I take a couple of deep breaths to build my nerves up. It’s not like she’s a pit viper going to turn on you, man.

Letting the air out of my lungs, I step inside her office and knock lightly on the door. She looks up from the papers on her desk and smiles. “Ken. Good to see you.” Her smile looks genuine and I shuffle my feet, afraid the beauty before me would see something different.

“I just wanted to check on you and apologize for causing you to twist your ankle,” I look at her face, which stares back at me with a disbelieving face.

“What do you mean? You certainly are not responsible for me twisting my ankle,” she leans down and picks up a pair of heels showing them to me. “These death traps are responsible. Besides, everything is fine.”

I stand there a little longer with my hands shoved in my pockets. Losing my resolve, I turn to leave her office.

“Wait, is there something else you’d like to discuss?” she asks me while I turn back into the room. “Please, sit down. What’s eating at you?”

I take the seat and clear my throat. “Do you think I’m doing a good job?” I sit up more forward and continue, “I mean, do you have a problem with my work?”

Tamara does a double-take by my question, shakes her head. “Why on earth would you wonder that, if I haven’t said as much?” She considers my question again. “No, of course not. Why?”

I lower my head feeling the urge to leave, but I hold on to what I came here for. “It seems to me that Jason is treating me like I’m about to be fired. Since I began here, his behavior has become more standoffish.”

She shakes her head and rifles through some papers on her desk. “These reports tell a very different story about your work here so far. Every report I’ve seen speaks about your knowledge and capabilities. The foremen all say that you’re doing your job and doing it well.”

I watch her as her fingers fly over the keyboard in search of something hidden within. “Aha,” she turns the screen towards me and points to it. “This is a logistics report on the work you’re doing in the field. All points to good news.”

She turns the monitor back in her direction and hits some more keys. “You have nothing to worry about as far as I’m concerned. And I’m the one that matters. Disregard Jason and his attitude. If he gives you more trouble, let me know.”

I smile at her and sigh in relief. I’m glad I came in here. She makes me feel better and more secure in my self-confidence. I’m ashamed that I would be afraid to talk to her as she is personable and easy to talk to, not to mention smoking hot. “So, how did you come by the ability to run logistics and check on field work?” I sense my cock waking from his slumber.

She gives me a ‘c’mon, really man’ look as she crosses her arms on the desk. “My daddy was an oil man for his whole life. Loved the fields and getting his hands dirty. ‘A man with dirty hands, works hard for what he’s given by God,’ he used to say,” she looks far off somewhere in the past, but only momentarily.

“He’s responsible for my knowledge of how these rigs run, how the people work and how to run the office, to include payroll and logistics. His oilfield was much smaller and in fact, the back lot used to be his,” Tamara smiles at me. “I loved my daddy, he took me everywhere and taught me so much,” her gaze drops into whatever lurks behind her eyes.

I wait a few seconds before I ask, “Are you alright?”

She immediately snaps to life, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to leave the room existentially. Like an out of body experience of sorts.” Tamara giggles and stands up coming around her desk to sit in the other chair next to me. “Never mind about me. I want to hear more about you. We didn’t chat much the day I hired you. I was inundated with so much work. Which probably means that I owe you the apology.”

I shake my head and wave her off with a hand, “No apologies necessary.” I study her for a long moment, wondering what it would be like to kiss her.

She patiently waits for me to begin to talk. “Well, there isn’t much to tell. I’ve moved around a lot with just my backpack and my bike.”

“Bike?” She looks curiously at me and I could see the wheels spin behind her emerald pools. “Oh, you mean a motorcycle?”

I nod my head at her and add, “She’s been my company for the last six or so years. Been the only reliable thing in my life.” I trail off heading into the darkness of my past. I sit forward and rub my face. “It’s like she’s my best friend.” I try to keep my dick unnoticeable as it gets harder.

“I certainly can understand that,” she smiles at me. “It’s easy and fun.”

“You ride?” I’m surprised by that, seeing as how she’s not exactly fit for the part of a biker gal.

“Not anymore. My brother was doing about seventy down a back road just outside of town. His tire hit a rock in the road and it flipped him over the bars, sending him skidding about ten yards.”

“I saw the whole thing from behind. His face was almost nothing but bone and his jaw was shattered. He wasn’t wearing a helmet,” her eyes become dark as she trails off once more. The surgery was a long process of skin grafting and bone restructuring. His mouth was wired shut for about a year so that it could heal. He never did look right after the accident.”

I watch her lovely face come back to life and her green eyes brighten. I can’t wait any longer. I’ve got to do it. I take the chance and kiss her.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic