Page 93 of Two CEO's For Her

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Two years later…

After we got married,Mattheo, James and I settled into a pattern of bliss and passion. Every night was a celebration and every morning a wonderful new beginning. Along with building a happy home life, the three of us worked hard on our businesses.

In the past two years, I’ve won awards and opened two boutiques. But as I walk out of the doctor’s office, I realize that in nine months I will accomplish something that I never dreamed of.

My mother raised me and my sisters alone not by choice, but because she tragically lost my father. Now, I have the chance to raise my child with not just one father but two. However, will they both want to raise my child?

Mattheo is so possessive, would he be able to raise a child alongside James? I know that he has come a long way in sharing me with James, but sharing a baby is a totally different thing altogether.

I go to a restaurant in a mall owned by Mattheo and hope that he doesn’t see me. I need time alone to think about this pregnancy.

There’s a cute waitress that delivers my fruit salad. She’s trim and has a great figure. I’m going to lose my figure in a few months. How will James and Mattheo feel about that? I may never be able to return to my model-like body that they’ve gotten so used to.

To tell you the truth, I don’t care. This isn’t going to be my first baby. I don’t want too big of a family, but I know that I want more than one kid.

The way James and Mattheo treat me during this pregnancy is going to tell me how to proceed. I can only hope that they’re sweet and protective- and not distant and absent.

What if James and Mattheo want DNA tests to prove whose baby it is? What if they decide they can’t raise another man’s baby? That would break us up for certain. I’ve never thought of this, even though it should have been obvious to me.

I push away my fruit salad and run to the bathroom to throw up. I don’t know if I’m having morning sickness or if this happened because the thought of losing either James or Mattheo makes me sick to my stomach.

I go home to take a nap. Why did I allow this to happen? If I wanted a baby maybe I should’ve slept with one of my husband’s instead of both at the same time. It’s too late now. I fall asleep crying.

“Alexa, wake up. It’s time for dinner,” Mattheo whispers into my ear.

I get up and right away he notices that I’ve been crying. I must look a fright with swollen eyes and a red nose.

“My love, why have you been crying?”

James comes into the bedroom.

“What’s going on?”

I drop back into the bed and hide under the pillows. I’m crying again, and I want to throw up.

“She’s crying now. What did you do to her James?”

“Me? What didyoudo to make her cry? I see you with that new secretary of yours.”

“How dare you. What about your fan club of women?”

Both Mattheo and James keep fighting. I let this go on for ten minutes and then get out of bed to go to the bathroom to throw up, but I stop. I need to tell them.

“Hey guys, look at me.”

They both stop fighting and look at me.

“I’ve got bad news. I’m pregnant and I don’t know who the father is.”

“How is that bad news?” James asks.

“Don’t you get it? Neither one of you is going to want to raise a baby that’s not your own.”

The guys look at each other and smile.

“Alexa, that is certainly not true,” Mattheo says.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic