Page 84 of Two CEO's For Her

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Oh, I’ve missed you and how you feel in my hands. You smell so good, too.

"So, you'll forgive me?" I ask her as I pull myself off her lips.

Wiping the tears that spilled down her cheeks, I force her eyes to look up at mine.

"Alexa, I just didn't know how to handle this."

Feeling shame, I look down at my feet. When I gather my senses, I meet her eyes again.

"When I was out of the country, all I could think about was you. Once I returned, I saw you and James together and you looked so happy. I didn't want to take that from you. So, I decided to stay away."

Alexa gasps in shock and raises a hand to her mouth.

As I return my gaze to hers, she takes my face into her hands and kisses me passionately.

"I do forgive you, Mattheo. I’ve missed you so much. More than you know."

I fall into her and wrap my arms around her waist, placing my head on her shoulder; eager to have more.

Then I remember James is here, too. I hold out an arm, motioning for him to join us.

"Thanks, man. I really owe you."

James comes over and we all stand there hugging each other for a moment.

I’m still uncertain about how this will all work out. But I do know that both James and I love her, and that she loves us, so I come to the conclusion that there isn't anything we can't figure out.

Breaking away, Alexa goes to the kitchen and removes some wine glasses from the cupboard. She pours three glasses and comes back, handing me and James ours.

"To our new beginning," she raises her glass, and we clink them together.

"Here, here," we all agree and down the wine.

We all have a seat again, setting our glasses on the table, and Alexa starts speaking.

"Judging by how much of a mess I’ve been lately, I know that I love you both. James," she looks at him. "When I cock-blocked you the other night, it wasn't because I didn't want you. I felt like we were missing a big part of us. You get that, right? I love you, for who you are, but we were missing Mattheo."

James nods his head in understanding.

After a moment, she speaks again.

"Mattheo," she turns to face me. "When you left me thinking about a relationship with just you, I just couldn't do that. Can't you see that, now?"

She hangs her head and thinks for a moment. James and I are both on the edge of our seats when she begins talking again.

"I want you both. All the time. Everyday."

When it appears that she’s finished, James pipes up.

"I love you, Alexa. I haven't been shy about my feelings where you’re concerned. If you want Mattheo to be included as 'us,' I can do that to make you happy."

Alexa smiles and comes to sit between me and James on the sofa. I look at her.

"I do love you, Alexa. God knows I do." I swallow hard. "And I can do the same. The three of us will be an 'us.' I want your happiness above anything else."

Alexa claps her hands and jumps up in joy. James and I smile at her as she pulls us, one by one, to our feet. She places a passionate kiss on each of our faces.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic