Page 36 of Two CEO's For Her

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The wind blows hard, almost lifting me out of the car. I’m driving my new red and black 2021 Corvette as fast as I can. Driving fast used to be my most favorite thing, but now I’m caught up with feelings for a girl and that feeling has turned my world upside down.

Tonight, I have to go to an art gallery showing of an up-and-coming artist that I dated when I was younger. I always thought her paintings were okay, but nothing to write home about. Now she is having a showing at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art.

I don’t really want to go but I know that Alexa is going to be there, and I really want to see her. I’m really frustrated that she hasn’t called or texted me since the last time we were together. This has never happened to me before.

Usually when I’m with someone, I’m unforgettable. Once they’ve had me, they never leave me alone. Now Alexa acts like she couldn’t care less that we were together. What is up with her?

Maybe I should call her? I’ve never had to call and follow up with a girl before. I wouldn’t even know how it’s done. What do you even say? Plus, if I call her now, she might think that I’m crazy for her. That would be the worst thing to do.

The night is clear, and the wind is cold. Where are the stars? I sure need one to wish on. What’s wrong with me? Wanting to wish on a star just because I want Alexa to call me and take the initiative for a relationship? What am I, twelve?

I’ve gone nuts- I’m crazy in love with her already. I’ve never wanted anyone so badly. Alexa is on my mind every single moment of the day. Looks like I’ve lost my mindandmy game.

The other day there was this really hot girl standing in line ahead of me at the grocery store. As she was placing her groceries on the counter, she stopped to give me a smile that would melt anyone’s heart and I did nothing. I just looked away. Can you believe that? I’ve lost the will to flirt. This has never happened to me before.

Just because I’ve had incredible sex with Alexa and really connected with her, my whole world is turned upside down. I can’t let this happen. I rev the engine and drive faster as if I can drive away from the feelings that have taken me prisoner.

Tonight, I’m going to hook up with the hottest model that’s attending the opening. Hell, I might even hook up with the artist. I’ll get into the event and maybe pick up two or three girls to take home with me.

I get to the art gallery and give my car to the valet.

“Enjoy,” I say to the valet who takes my keys.

I can see that he’s falling in love with my car. Those were the good ole days when a car could make me high. Now it’s all about catching the high of Alexa Dean. I let out a sigh so loud that everyone turns to look at me. I flash my perfect smile to throw them off the scent of my loneliness.

There are three girls with long curly blond hair and long tanned legs giving out the programs for the show. I walk towards them and give them my best sexy smile. Usually, I can undress a woman in my mind but when I look at these girls, all I can think of is how Alexa is more beautiful than they are. Damn it.

The girls hand me my program and flirt with me. I try to flirt back, but these girls could have been my sisters because I feel absolutely nothing towards any of them.

“Thanks for the program,” I tell them.

“We could give you a tour of the gallery, if you want,” the tallest girl says.

“We know where all the dark corners are,” the girl with the curliest hair giggles.

“Come on, let’s have some fun baby,” the shorter blonde says.

Three girls at once is my specialty, but now I’m not sure I could even do one.

“Thank you, ladies, but I’m meeting someone,” I say.

The girls immediately show their disappointment. The shortest girl is even pouting.

“Why don’t I catch up with you guys later?” I murmur.

“We get off at ten.”

“Okay, see you then.”

I walk away, making note that I have to leave before 10 pm.

The gallery is lit up and the lights glow a brilliant gold color, making everything look even more stunning. I see my old girlfriend- the artist- and I go to her and greet her with a hug. In return, she kisses me on the cheek and slides her hands down to my nether regions and gives me a squeeze.

“Why don’t we take a walk,” she whispers in my ear.

Damn she looks hot, but again, I feel nothing. I put my arm around her.

“Later baby, I see you’re busy.”

Dana looks disappointed when I walk away, but in truth there is only one woman that I want to be with tonight. I grab some champagne off of a tray and stand there sipping it, looking around the room for Alexa.

Then I see her. She’s standing with Mattheo, and he has an arm around her. He whispers something into her ear, and she laughs. I feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach. I’m winded, and my whole body grows hot like someone has lit a match and set me on fire.

What the hell?Mattheois the reason she hasn’t called me?? I loosen my bow tie, feeling like I can’t breathe. How dare she do this to me. What is so wrong with me that she has to go to Mattheo instead?. I’m furious.

Nothing is wrong with me. I’m the hottest man here. Every woman wants me except for the woman that I want. I have never been so angry and jealous over a woman, and it doesn’t feel good. I don’t like this one bit.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic