Page 25 of Two CEO's For Her

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Her hips sway as she leaves, and I watch every step. I feel a tug of pain in my chest when she finally gets in her car and drives off. Still, my smile never wavers.

I’m not the most sentimental guy, but to say last night was magical wouldn’t have been too much of a stretch. The way our bodies seemed to be in rhythm with one another was something else. Her and I taking turns with who was leading was something I’d never experienced before.

The image of her falling to her knees and taking all of me in her mouth in a single goal was too hot for words. Then the look of her wide eyes staring up at me as she stroked me with her lips and tongue flashes in my mind next.

Standing in the foyer, hard as a rock, I come to the realization that I’d had the greatest sex of my life. Nothing else even comes close. She’s like a wild animal. No, a force of sexual nature.

I can’t wait for our next meeting. Not for business. Nothing as banal as a lucrative business deal could sate the hunger she’s instilled in me.

Now that thought is sure to bring me trouble. It’s one of the truest sayings that you don’t mix business with pleasure, but this isn’t a pleasure I’d be willing to part with.

Would I be willing to sacrifice the type of money this deal would get me if I were forced to make a hard choice?

I shake my head of my thoughts and decide that I need more coffee in my system.

An hour or so passes when my secretary drops by. As I finish my second cup of coffee, he walks into my office and greets.

“Good morning, sir. Is there anything I can do for you this fine morning?”

I’ve been trying to keep my mind focused on business, and so I’ve concluded that what I need most is information. My gut tells me that I’m in a good position with Alexa to get a partnership deal, but that doesn’t mean that I’m the only one who is. I need to know if I’m the biggest fish in this pond.

“Yes, you can. Can you get me any information on our competitors for theRosedeal?” I ask.

He gives me a small bow of the head.

“Of course, right away sir.”

Before he walks off, he does a double take. A sly smile stretches across his face. My secretary is a hard worker and is one of the most helpful I’ve ever had as a part of my company. But I swear the man harbors two personalities floating around in his head.

“Something happen last night?” he says with the suppressed glee of a gossipy teenage girl.

I groan, and debate pulling rank on him.

“Something did, you sly dog,” he laughs. “I bet you’re wanting me to check for more than just the companies’ meetings. Worried she’s shacking up with other CEO’s, are we?”

I sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Dean, this is entirely about business. Not pleasure.”

“Care to give any details? I’m about to go scratch your back, why don’t you scratch mine a little first?” he says, leaning over my desk.

“I’m about to do the same things to you if you don’t go do what I told you.” I say, thoroughly done with the man.

He just gives me a shrug.

“I could settle for that,” he gives me a wink.

My frustration breaks, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Fine, we slept together. Now go get me those files, please.”

Satisfied, the man walks out of my office at a speed just less than a jog. I know he’s going to be able to give me a report in the next hour or so.

In that empty space of time, my mind drifts. Thoughts of Alexa enter my head, and in strange ways. I think about how best our deal can help her.

Maybe I could find a way to access a new market. Something that’s lower market; something that the lower middle class working women could buy. The struggle with that would be how her niche market is part ofRose’sappeal.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic