Page 13 of Two CEO's For Her

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"So tell me- what about this should I consider?" I ask him.

"Well, to begin with- Star Empire is one of the most prestigious mall builders, and our malls tend to stay open," he says, flashing me a debonair smile with a hint of deviousness.

I take a bite of my salmon and push the saffron rice around the plate.

“Why do you say that?”

He sips the wine from his glass and tips it towards me.

"I'm glad you asked. We tend to spend quite a bit of money on researching the area and the demographics surrounding a potential site."

He winks at me, and my stomach gets butterflies.

“This way, we don't lose money because the malls don't go under, even during recessions.”

“You certainly make a good point. I’m sure you’re aware that we only sell from our headquarters around the world and have heard about the possibility of our company opening a store to the public,” I slide him a knowing glance, and he raises an eyebrow in my direction.

"Of course," he smiles. "I do my research on companies that could be possible entities in my malls, as well."

It’s his turn to shoot me a knowing glance.

"I want more than a Nordstrom's or Gucci Brand. I want something no one else has."

I notice a cheeky grin on his face.

Was he meaning my company or me, personally?I cast him a curious, yet flirty smile.

"Currently, our brand's exclusivity only caters to those who seek us out. Either by word of mouth or internet searching."

I take a sip of my wine and allow it settle on my tongue as I enjoy the notes.

"Having a public store will allow more visibility, even among clientele that don't seek out the best of the best or have never heard of us."

"Let's face it. Malls cater to many facets of society, from the wealthiest to the not so wealthy."

He has finished his steak and moved his plate to the side.

The waiter comes by to clear the dinner plates.

"Would you like a dessert menu?"

Mattheo looks at me and lifts a hand and his eyebrows. I laugh before responding.

"No but thank you. I have to maintain this girly figure somehow."

"Then how about another glass of wine?" He inquires.

"Wine has fewer calories, so yes," I say, polishing off the last sip in my glass.

I hand it to the waiter, and he leaves.

Mattheo settles his chin on his hands and gives me a flirtatious look. He’s so handsome.

"Well now. I would like to know more about this CEO that runs this jewelry business. Tell me something about yourself."

He sits back in his chair as the waiter sets our glasses down. He takes a sip of his and raises it to me.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic