Page 96 of Two Pilots for Her

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Nine months later…

I look at Hazel and laugh because my dick instantly gets hard. It’s incredible to me that she still gets that reaction out of my cock after all this time.

Hazel still looks great as ever, especially with the baby bump. We found out about three months after we came back from our honeymoon that she was pregnant.

All of us were completely ecstatic. It may seem soon to some people, but to us- it was perfect timing. I will never forget the day that I found out I was going to be a father.

Today, we are going to find out the sex of the baby. Our appointment is… well, it’s supposed to be right now, but we haven’t even left the house yet.

“Come on, fuckers. We have an appointment, and we’re late!” Hazel screams from the driveway of the house.

“Ready to find out the sex of the baby?” Dylan asks me.

“I am. But truthfully? I don’t care what it is as long as it’s healthy,” I tell him.

“Oh, that’s just what people say in front of other people. Tell me the truth, you want a boy, right?” Dylan pries.

“No man. I really would love either.”

“Agreed. But secretly I think I want a boy.”

“If we have a girl and she looks anything like Hazel, we’ll be spending her high school years chasing boys away with a shotgun,” I say.

“She will stay in her bedroom until she graduates from college,” Dylan declares, suddenly filled with terror at the thought of fathering a mini-Hazel.

“Maybe Hazel’s beauty will skip a generation,” I muse.

“Come on!” Hazel screams.

“Yeah. Beautiful,” I scoff.

“Want to leave her waiting for a while?” Dylan asks.

“She’s pregnant. Let’s give her a break,” I suggest.

Dylan and I make it outside and into the car.

“What took you so long?” Hazel asks.

“The doctor always makes us wait. We don’t need to hurry,” I tell her.

“Don’t you want to know the sex of the baby?” she asks.

“Getting there and waiting around won’t get us the information any sooner,” I promise.

When we get to the doctor’s office, Hazel storms into the waiting room like a hurricane.

“Appointment with Dr. Toner for Hazel,” she tells the receptionist.

“Oh, here you are. We almost canceled the appointment. The doctor will see you in just a moment,” the receptionist says.

Hazel gives me a look to kill, but I know she’s not really mad at us. That’s one of my favorite things about Hazel- she never sweats the small stuff.

At least they didn’t cancel the appointment. I don’t know how she may respond in that situation with her pregnancy hormones.

Dr. Toner greets all of us in the checkup room with a group hug.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic