Page 84 of Two Pilots for Her

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How is this real?

Dylan and I are dressed up in our best suits, meeting with lawyers and financial advisers all day, so we can actually put our plan into action. Every single one of them have told us that we have a really amazing chance at making this a reality, especially with the possibility of investors and our history with other pilots that we could poach.

We know the procedures, we know the equipment, and with Hazel’s Master's Degree, we’ve got the business end covered too.

Our lawyers are gone for a moment to grab paperwork. Dylan is smiling against the backdrop of his leather wingback chair. He’s smoothing his deep red tie. It makes his eyes so vividly blue.

“You look great in that suit.”

Shit, did I say that out loud?

His face is bright red. I love it when he blushes.

“Are you kidding? You should see yourself.”

His eyes move down my thighs. Arousal coasts through my skin, but I look away. Is it still weird for us to be flirtatious without Hazel around?

Awkward silence falls between us.

“I can’t believe we’re here,” I say.

“I know. We went from the worst situation possible to the best situation possible in the blink of an eye. I mean, I’ve always known I love flying but I guess I never thought of us having an airline of our own as a possibility.”

“It’s amazing how our little Blondie has helped us realize our dreams without us even knowing our dreams in the first place, isn’t it?”

“It sure is,” Dylan says with a smile.

His blush is gone. I miss it already.

Our lawyers return, and we fill out paperwork and pass on messages from our financial advisers. The first thing we have to do is find land to build on and get any and all airport zoning permits before we construct anything. Our lawyer says we might as well meet up with an airport construction firm of our choice while we wait for permits.

“Do either of you have a business consultant or manager?”

I clear my throat and answer before Dylan can say no.

“Yes. Her name is Hazel Sutton.”

“Great, try your best to complete a detailed business plan and model and bring it back to your financial adviser. Ms. Sutton probably already knows this but for sake of transparency, I’ll let you two know, you need every little detail on this thing. The name of the business, the logo, colors you’ll use, how many planes you want, how many employees you want - I mean,everything. Investors want to know that their money is going to work for them with this opportunity, okay? Luckily for you guys, it looks like your combined savings can cover startup costs…”

Dylan and I nod, and I can tell he’s hardly listening. He’s too excited and it’s distracting me. I can hardly look away from him. His energy is magnetic.

“Holy hell!”

Dylan yells when we finally leave our lawyer's stuffy office.

“We’re doingthis!”

He wraps his arms around me, and we laugh together, but I quickly melt into him when our commotion dies down. I still can’t believe this.

“We’re going to have our own airlines. Me and you. Me, you and Hazel.”

His voice is a low, deep, whisper in my ears. It’s giving me goosebumps.

How long have we been hugging?

Why do I want to press my lips to the stubble kissed skin on his neck and make him scream my name?

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic